The end

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Percy's POV

"That was amazing!" Fitz and Sophie said on the ride to our restaurant.  On our way, we passed the movie theater where we were going to watch a movie.

"I really hope that sign isn't true," Annabeth said, already typing on her phone.  After a minute while we all waited tensely for her to answer. "Ugh," she said a minute later, "Looks like the theater's closed thanks to a gas leak.  They say they'll be open tomorrow though, so that's some good news."

"What movie was it going to be?" Sophie asked.

"It was going to be a Marvel movie," Annabeth explained as she kept on reading, "It looks like they are still showing the same movies tomorrow."

"Here we are," the driver said gruffly.  We hopped out and I paid the driver and we walked toward the restaurant.

We entered and after exchanging a few words with the waiter at the counter,  we sat down and started talking about how we got involved in our crazy magical worlds.

"So I had just figured out that my best friend was part goat and then we got chased by the minotaur,"  I paused at their baffled looks, "It's half bull, half man and then I had to kill it.  Oh,  and I forgot to mention that my mother was also kidnapped before I could kill it."

"Sounds way deadlier than what happened to me," says Sophie, "the only dangerous part was that I almost go kidnapped, but that seems tame compared to your adventure."

"Would you like to have anything for drinks?" the waiter asked, appearing out of nowhere.

"I think we're fine with just some waters," Sophie replied.  She nodded and left.

"What's...water?" Fitz asked, stumbling over the unfamiliar word.  We all laughed until I stopped laughing enough to say, "It's sort of like your drink except it tastes a little bit less flavorful and isn't a different color."  He nodded and the waiter appeared and started passing out the water.

"Thank you," we all said in unison.

"No problem," she replied, "What appetizers would you like?"

"Just some mozzarella sticks," Annabeth said, taking a glance at the menu.

"Ok," she said pulling a notebook out of nowhere and starting to write what we ordered, which I thought was kind of unnecessary.  We kept talking about what we were going to do on our last day when the lady dropped off the mozzarella sticks and got our orders.

"Man these things are amazing!" Fitz said, holding a new respect for the appetizer.

"They are pretty good," Sophie agreed, putting another one on her plate.

"Yeah," Annabeth and I said together, as I piled a few more onto my plate, and Annabeth grabbed the last one.

"Aw come on!" Fitz exclaimed, "That one was totally mine!"

"Sure it was," Annabeth agreed sarcastically, biting one end.  He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"So have you guys been to this restaurant before?" Sophie asked, finishing her last one.

"Nope," I said, also finishing mine and leaning back.

"Yeah," Annabeth said, "I went to this place after I finished designing Olympus."  Both Fitz and Sophie almost choked at the name.

"Olympus?" they asked in unison.

"Yeah, It's literally hanging off of the Empire state building."  They both gaped at me like I was delusional.  "I'm serious!" I said, "We should probably show you it tomorrow."  Then the waiter lady came up and started passing out our food.

"And if you need anything else, I'll come by in a couple of minutes," she said, already hurting off to another customer.

"looks like we beat the crowd," remarked Annabeth, already digging into her salad.

"I still don't get it, why do you like salads?" I asked, thinking that my steak looked better than those vegetables.

"Why do you like steak?" she countered, pouring some sauce and stirring it simultaneously.  I didn't respond, knowing that I would probably get my butt whooped.

"How are you liking the Mac-N-Chesse, Fitz?" Sophie asked, eating her tacos.

"It's sooooooo good," he said, cramming in another bite.  After leaving some money on the table we left and picked up a cab and headed to the hotel.  

"Hey!  Did you know this thing works?" Annabeth asked as she grabbed the remote and flopped on the couch

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"Hey! Did you know this thing works?" Annabeth asked as she grabbed the remote and flopped on the couch.

"Nope,"  I said, as she opened up Disney+ and started to browse.

"Whatcha doing?" Fitz asked as he to emerged from the room, looking a bit flustered.

"Annabeth finally got the TV to work," I said.

"What's a TV?" Fitz asked, curiosity in his eyes.  As soon as he said that Annabeth launched into this huge explanation of how it worked and all the other small details.

"Annabeth, I think you lost him a while ago," I said to her and then turned back, "Ok, so here's the rundown.  You pick one of these options, you hit play and then you watch what it's like to be these people."

He nodded, definitely looking less confused.  Sophie came out a minute later and plopped on the couch next to Annabeth and debated on what movie we should watch.

"Avengers is obviously the best!"  Annabeth argued, practically yelling.

"Oh, come on, Superman or Batman totally beat it!" argued Sophie for the fifth time.

"Listen up!" I screamed, "We'll flip a coin, one of you calls heads or tails, and whoever gets the correct side wins."  They both looked at each other and shrugged.  I got a coin and flipped it.

"Tails," Sophie said.  It turned up heads.  After a bit of grumbling, we started the movie.

"You know what would be a great idea?" I asked as the intro started, "Since we came to your school, you guys should come to our school!"

"That sounds good,  I'll just have to check with my parents and take a break from school but we should be good."  Fitz nodded, looking excited at the prospect of going to a different school.

"I'll go ask," Sophie said, rushing to the room and after a minute or so she came out of the room.  "We're good to go!"

A/N: I can't believe this story is finished! I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing it!  Bonus Parts coming out soon!  Look for my PJO and Eragon Crossover in February! Excerpt in the next chapter!

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