Capture the flag

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Fitz's POV

"This is amazing!" exclaimed Annabeth as we arrived at the front of Foxfire.  After showing them around we quickly went to Atlantis, where Percy enjoyed jumping down the tornado.  After another stop at Lumeria and Mysterium, we went over to Everglen.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Do you want to have Percy and Annabeth sleepover with us?

Sure!  I mean if they want to.  I'm sure my parents would be okay with it.  Out loud I said, "Hey Percy, Annabeth do you guys want to sleepover here?"

"I'll have to tell my mom but otherwise, I'm in!"  Percy said as Annabeth said she just had to tell her parents.  Since there were too many people we decided to do boys in one room and girls in the other.

"What should we do now?" asked Dex as soon as all the boys finished putting their bags in the room we had decided.

"How about we play capture the flag," suggested Annabeth as we all met downstairs.

"Ok! We should do boys versus girls!" agreed Keefe.  We set the boundary line and as soon as the whistle was blown Percy and I went into enemy territory while Dex and Tam would be next to the flag hiding in the shadows.  Keefe was going to be the distraction so hopefully, everyone would follow him.

"I found it!" whisper hissed Percy as he pointed to a tree with the flag on top.

"I'm gonna levitate us up," I explained as I rallied my concentration and we lifted off. After a second we were level with the tree and were about to grab the flag when Percy tensed and jumped off toward another tree just as Biana tagged me out.  As soon as Biana tried to tag out Percy he put up a wall of water.  While Biana tried to go around the wall Percy jumped over, grabbed the flag, and started running towards our flag.  Man, he was fast.

"Victory!" yelled Percy as he put their flag next to ours.

"How about we play something else," Lihn suggested.  

"Fine.  How about Sophie goes and steals us a board game from the forbidden cities," added Keefe.

"Definitely not," responded Sophie

"Actually, the Council would like to meet Percy and Annabeth," interrupted Alden as we neared the front door.

"Why did you tell them?" I asked.

"I wasn't the one that informed the Council," he explained, "That was Mr. Forkle's doing. They requested to be met in Lumeria."

*Time skip, after the meeting in Lumeria*

"I finished making lunch," announced Della as we came in.  After a meal of delicious food, we decided to play another round of truth or dare.

"Ok, Lihn, truth or dare?" asked Annabeth.

"Dare," she replied.

"I dare you to kiss the person you like.  If they aren't here tell them you like them."  Lihn looked like she was regretting her decision but she still went up to Dex and kissed him. After, a minute, they pulled apart, both flushing red.

"Be glad Bangs Boy isn't here.  he would have already strangled you." Keefe said.

"Percy, truth or dare," asked Lihn quickly.

"Truth," he said.

"Have you ever hit Chiron/Mr. Forkle?" Lihn asked

"I on accidentally shot an arrow at him," confessed Percy.  We all cracked up at that.

"Fitz, truth or dare," Percy asked me.

"Dare," I replied.

"Come with me," he said cryptically as he went out the door into a random room.

"I dare you to tell Sophie you like her before the sleepover ends," he dared.

"I knew I'd regret asking you to come," I groaned, "Wait a minute, are you a Telepath?"

"No.  But come on, I suck at this stuff and even I could tell you like her."  I buried my face in my hands.  Great.  I bet you if I asked everyone else they would say it was obvious.  I got up and went over to where everyone else was.

"What did Percy dare you to do?" Sophie asked.  Her hair was braided and that red dress Biana picked for her made her look even more beautiful.

"I can't tell you yet," I explained.  "Dex, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he replied.

"Ok.  I dare you to confess to the person you like before breakfast tomorrow"  He groaned.

"Keefe, truth or dare."  


"Who do you like in this room?"  Keefe slowly pointed to Biana.  Biana was trying to keep cool and she looked hilarious.

This is gonna suck when school comes!  Wait.  School starts in two days right?"  As soon as Biana nodded his spirit deflated a little.

"School?" asked Annabeth, looking very excited at the fact that there was an Elvin school.  Suddenly Mr. Forkle came into the room.

"Speaking of school," he said, "Percy and Annabeth will be going to Foxfire.  I already arranged it with the Council and your parents."

"Is that why you're here?" Keefe asked right before he was about to leave.

"No, I was here to ask Alden for a favor and I heard you talking about school and decided to break the news to you now."  With that, he grabbed his Pathfinder and stepped into the light.  after talking for a long hour in which Percy and Keefe were brainstorming ideas to torment the principal and teachers.

"You guys really should go to bed," said Mom, sweeping into the room, "It's past midnight."  We reluctantly agreed and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

"Last day of the sleepover," Percy said as we headed downstairs, "You better do it after breakfast."  As soon as we walked into the room Lihn, and Dex were both looking pretty happy and were holding hands.

"What happened here?" Keefe asked as he came in.

"I'm pretty sure that my dare just got used," I replied.

"You and Lihn!?" Keefe practically yelled, "I was not expecting that!"After an awesome breakfast, it was time to leave.

"Bye Sophie!" I said as they all glimmered away.  As soon as everyone left Percy wheeled on me.

"You didn't do it!" he said, "Instead you have to do it before midterms and you have to let me throw you off of Foxfire.  I'll have water to cushion your landing."

"Um, I would agree with Percy," BIana said, "I'm pretty sure he is going to throw you off harder if you don't listen.

"Fine," I agreed, regretting my life choices.

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