The next morning/the scariest roller coaster in the world

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Sophie's POV

I woke up to the smell of waffles and something else I couldn't put my finger on.  I yawned and stretched out of bed and opened the blinds.  

After brushing my hair(I couldn't look like Frankenstein for my boyfriend could I?) and changing I opened the door and saw that everyone was already awake and Percy was making waffles which for some reason blue.

"We made pancakes!" Percy said, oblivious to the fact that I had already seen them.  

"I can see that," I said sitting down at the table, grabbing a few waffles, and pouring syrup over them.  Annabeth came out a few minutes later looking bleary-eyed.

"Good morning," she said as she rubbed her eyes.  She sat in the last empty chair, grabbed a pancake, and put some butter on it while Percy was busy drowning his pancakes in syrup.

"You want some pancakes with your syrup?" Fitz joked as he reached for another pancake.

"I was thinking we could go to the amusement park for most of the day and then go to the theater at night," Annabeth said, stuffing a few more waffle bits in her mouth.

"Sounds good," Percy said, from drowning his pancakes to attacking them.

After cleaning up, we took a taxi down to the amusement park where we got in line for tickets.  The air smelled of cotton candy and you could hear people screaming from the roller coasters.  After watching another group of kids pass by us, Percy got us our tickets and we were in the park.

"Whoah!" Fitz said, shocked at all the sights and smells.

Annabeth who had grabbed a map of the park already had the layout memorized.

"So where should we go?" she asked, looking around at the gift shop.

"How about that place over there?" asked Fitz, pointing toward the biggest roller coaster in the park.

"Sure, you and Percy can go on that," I said, really not wanting to go on it.

"Hmm?  Oh, no way am I going on that!" he practically yelled.

"Why not? Too scared?" I teased him.

"Definitely not, just that being up there would be in one of my dad's worst enemies area.  It would be almost a guarantee that the entire thing would blow up or fall off or get struck by lighting."

"Oh," I said, unsure as to what to say to that.

"You two should go together!" he suggested.

"Yeah! It would be perfect, while Percy and I hang out on the ground you two can go on the roller coaster," suggested Annabeth with a grin on her face.

"Fine," I said, hoping it would be over soon.

Fitz's POV

Since I had been on and done many scary things in my life (living with Biana was the scariest) I figured riding the roller coaster would be pretty easy.

We walked up to the line where Percy was reading all the records that it broke.  It was the tallest, and quickest in New York, and had the steepest drop.

Sophie and I hopped on it and as soon as everyone was in it blasted off so quickly it felt like my face was peeling off.

"AHHHHHHH!!"Sophie and I yelled as we started to incline.  When we reached the top the roller coaster stopped for a second and then we plummeted straight down.  Once we reached the bottom we got launched back up another thing and did an upside-down loop with it twisting.  Then after we hit the bottom it slowed to a stop.

As soon as the seats detached I was off the thing before you could blink.  I walked on wobbly legs toward Percy and Annabeth who were sipping drinks and looking amused.

"You guys don't want to do it again?" asked Percy, pretending to look innocent.

"Just get me away from that roller coaster and I'll be happy," said Sophie

They led us away from it toward a table next to the park.  "So do you regret your decision?" asked Annabeth.

"Oh no, I would want to do it again!" Sophie said sarcastically.

"How about you guys pick the next ride?" Percy said, somehow swapping his drink with a bright blue milkshake without anyone noticing.

"How about the tunnel thing over there?" suggested Sophie, who still looked a bit green.

"Fine with me!" Annabeth and Percy said in unison.  We went in line and after waiting for another round, we went straight to the middle cart.

Everything was Greek mythology.  The carts were actually chariot-shaped with a different god and after a quick look from Percy, he confirmed that the cart we were in was Poseidon's chariot.

"Great pick Sophie!" He said, leaning back on the bench.

After everyone was in the ride started with a jerk.  As we began to roll into the tunnel ahead we grabbed ahold of the guns and swiveled them around, wondering what we were supposed to be shooting at.

After we took a sharp turn I saw that there were screens covering both walls.

"Hit them! Percy yelled, already swiveling his gun and shooting down the monsters.

At the top of the thing, a small titan zipped around, zapping things and creating little monsters.  After all of us hitting it finally disappeared.

"If only it were that easy to kill Chronos," Annabeth said, "He'd be dead in a second!"

"What does this thing do?" I asked, uncertain whether it was doing something good or bad.  

"It shows how many points you got," Percy said, trying to hold in laughs.  After several more rounds of destroying tons of enemies we emerged from the tunnel and blinked our eyes.

"This is for sure my least favorite part," Sophie said, squinting her eyes like the rest of us.  We walked over to the scoreboard and found we did fairly well.

We sat down at a table, and after eating out burgers Percy went off to find some milkshakes.

"I think that is the best thing I've ever had!" I exclaimed, "Maybe even better than Prattles!"

"I don't know, it's pretty hard to top them," Annabeth argued, remembering the sweet caramelly taste from the colorful box.

Percy then returned with the milkshakes and once we finished them, we spent the entire day on roller coasters, bumper boats, and other fun things.  This was without a doubt the best day of my life.

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