Foxfire part 2

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Fitz's POV

When we reached the room I saw that we were in the place where we did splotching matches.  Our teacher turned out to be Chiron.  

"Now I'm sure many of you are wondering what we're doing today.  I'll answer for you.  We're doing sword fighting," Chiron announced as some gnomes placed weapons on the tables.

As we all went up to grab our weapons I saw Percy uncap Riptide and start practicing on one of the dummies the gnomes rolled out.  After a couple of minutes, I found a sword that felt right in my hand and went over to Percy who was working on his second dummy.

"So how long have you been doing this," I asked him as the other dummy fell.

"For a couple of years," he replied as Chiron announced we were going in pairs.  Percy and I went together as Sophie and Annabeth teamed up.  After getting taught some simple moves we did a little sparring.  After getting me but whupped several times Chiron decided to switch me with Sophie.

"Percy needs someone to match his level," he explained kindly as Sophie and Percy switched places.  After seeing that we were both pretty even I looked over and saw Percy and Annabeth fighting.  After taking a quick scan of the room I saw that most people were also watching them.  

They fought like a whirlwind, stabbing, slashing, rolling, and hacking so quickly they were just a blur.  After a couple of minutes in which they seemed like they just decided to call it a draw, a lot more kids seemed like they wanted to spar with them.

"We're doing a free for all," announced Chiron.  Suddenly everyone grabbed a sword and started teaming up against Percy and Annabeth.

"Dude, I've fought harder than when we were in Tartarus," Percy said to Annabeth, taking out a kid without even looking.  At the end of the class, we were all exhausted except for Percy and Annabeth.  Percy nodded at me and I knew it was time for my ultimate to get thrown off the building.  We reached the top right as everyone streamed out of the buildings for a break.  I was just about to make a different deal with Percy when he grabbed me and chucked me off the building.

"Have fun!" yelled Percy as I hurled toward the lake.  Surprisingly not many people noticed until I was like a hundred feet from the ground.  Then I only saw a white-out of bubbles as I slowly floated toward the bottom.

Thankfully everyone had a break for twenty more minutes.  As soon as I got out I lept to Everglen and changed into dry clothes and lept back to Foxfire.  Thankfully most people hadn't seen me fall off of Foxfire.  As I walked toward the cafeteria I saw Percy coming back down that hall.  After placing what looked like a dozen life-sized gummy bears in a closet, we returned to the cafeteria.

"What did you put in there?" I asked

"Nothing," Dex replied as he joined us, giving Percy some gadgets.  After an exhausting day, it seemed like everything was ready for their big finale.

"Don't worry," Keefe said as he saw my shocked expression," It's all going to work tomorrow."  With that, he and Dex lept away.  We all left and I gave Sophie a little wave as we glittered away.

We arrived at Everglen's gate and I let everyone in, changed out of my school uniform, left a quick note on my bed, held up my pathfinder to the light, and went to Havenfield.  The first thing I saw was Sophie who was stroking Silveny.

I was already halfway there toward her when she blushed and asked," Hey, Fitz do you need anything?"  

"No," I replied." I just haven't been over in a while," I explained as I knelt and started petting Wynn who had laid down in the grass.

After an odd moment of silence, Sophie asked, " So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know, maybe check on the Gorgodon."  We had just got up when Silveny sent FLY! FLY! FLY!  After a long match of agreeing and disagreeing on whether she should fly or not we eventually decided we would be flying.  We hopped on Silveny and she soared up into the sky.  We flew for hours until the sky was shimmering with stars and the sky had turned purple.  When we landed Silveny decided to bring us down gently toward Calla's Panakes.  We both sat down and watched Silveny gallop toward where Wynn and Luna were.

"I'm glad this is all behind us," Sophie said suddenly, tracing her fingers across the bark.

"Yeah," I said, scooting closer, "You should have seen yourself.  You looked so angry when you just blasted them all."  She nodded and closed her eyes blocking those memories.  I wrapped my arm around her and said, "We defeated them, we won."  My Imparter rang and I saw my dad's face appear on the screen.

"Time for dinner," he said and then his image disappeared.  

"Sorry," I said, "See you tomorrow!"  I grabbed my Pathfinder and went home.

Sophie's POV

Sandor laughed as I walked inside to do some homework.  "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied as we came into the living room.  I was just about to use my telepathy on him when Edaline's soft voice floated in, "Sophie, dinner's ready."  my stomach growled at the thought of food and we headed into the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen I saw Grady already digging in on the food.

"Sorry," he said as I sat down, "I have an assignment for the council tonight."  I just nodded and added some food to my plate.  Grady left in a hurry and I went up to shower.  After Sandor did his regular nightly check and I went to the shower as he went to his regular position.  I hopped in bed and was just about to grab Iggy when Fitz's mental voice filled my mind.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Are you okay?  I just wanted to check to see if Sandor didn't kill you from boring lectures.

Why would he do that?

I don't know, maybe because you flew on Silveny without him knowing.

I could feel his mind struggling to say something.

What are you trying to say?

Just that I'm nervous about Alvar.  I mean I know we killed him but what if he escaped somehow?

He couldn't. Your dad dropped him from a cliff and we saw him hit the ground.

Yeah, good point well see you later!  Bye!

Bye!  Sandor eyed me suspiciously as I grabbed Iggy and I fell into a dreamless sleep.

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