Truth or Dare

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Sophie's POV

 "Let's try and get some sleep," said Biana.  Everyone agreed and my mind drifted off to sleep.

Everyone else was asleep so I decided to do some exploring.  After walking around forever I decided to go back and see if everyone is awake.  I looked around and saw that I was hopelessly lost when I found Biana around the corner and said, "We have been looking for you everywhere, why did you come over here?"

"I just wanted to do something and I was bored," I explained.

"Well you better get downstairs, everyone else is looking for you," said Biana as she dug out her imparter and told everyone to come down.  Once we headed downstairs everyone was already in there.  No one seemed to be mad at the fact that I explored.  We all sat down at breakfast while Fitz kept smiling.  After I couldn't take it long enough I asked Fitz, "Why do you keep smiling?"

"It's because everyone can stay four more days!"  he replied happily.  "I already asked all of your parents and they said yes," he continued.  

"That's great," I said, practically bursting with excitement.  We all ate breakfast and started the day off by trying to bake some treats.  we first tried to make some Mallowmelt.  It turned out ok but looked a bit lumpy but still tasted great.  We added our little touch and added some Ripplefluffs baked into it.  

"This is great," exclaimed Fitz, "That was a good idea to bake in the Ripplefluffs, Sophie."

"Yeah, this is way better than normal," agreed Alden, who was sampling some of it.  We made another one with some more changes.  We added some Indigoober juice into it and placed some Fluffcreams on top and added caramel into the Mallowmelt.  I wrote down a recipe card and promised to make copies and give them out.  After that hour or so in the kitchen, we made our way outside and decided to play tag.

"You have to tag someone and that person has to go and find another person to tag so they would be it," I explained.  

"That sounds fun," said Biana.

"Dex should be it," said Lihn and ran off.  We followed her example and ran off.

A/N: Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

I know a spot where we can hide from Dex

Really?  I'll be right there.  While I was tracking Fitz, I was also tracking Tam to see if he was near me or Fitz.  He was nearing Keefe and I was about to transmit to him when Tam tagged him.  I had arrived at the spot Fitz was at and found him up in a tree.  He was so well concealed that I wouldn't have found him if I didn't know where he was. 

"Come up here," he whispered.  I hurriedly used shaky levitation and managed to get up.

"When did you find this place," I asked, filling in that quiet gap.

"I found it right after we defeated the Neverseen," he explained.  Just then I saw Dex sneak up behind us and jumped up using levitation and tagged me.  Fitz hurriedly jumped off onto another tree using channeling while Dex ran off.

"You!" I growled at Fitz and then jumped over to the tree Fitz was on.  He quickly hopped off and onto another tree.  How to get him I thought.  Then, while he was getting ready to hop onto another tree I faked jumping over to his tree and teleported right in front of him, and tagged him.

"Wha.." he said, too shocked to speak.  I was surprised too.  I had just thought of the place I wanted to go and I just went there.  No jumping off of a cliff, no running, just imagining the place and being there.

"Take that sucker!" I yelled as I jumped to the ground and started running off.  Fitz jumped off right after me and was gaining on me when I got another idea.  As soon as he was about to tag me I teleported right behind him and he stumbled, expecting to get me.  He turned around and looked at me.

"Can we just call it quits," he begged, as he tried to get me again. He looked up into my eyes and did the little puppy eyes.

"Fine," I agreed, caving in.  We walked over to find where everyone was hiding.  We found Keefe and Biana hiding in a couple of the bushes.  As soon as they saw us they started to run away until I explained that we were done with the game and were trying to find Dex and Lihn.  We would have gone in circles looking for them if Sandor hadn't told them he smelt their scent going straight into the lake.  We saw them hiding near the edge and waved for them to come up.

"What's up," Dex asked, "Is the game over?"

"Yeah," Fitz grumbled, "It was too unfair because Sophie can just teleport without doing anything!"  Both Lihn and Dex's jaws dropped.

"How is that even possible?" he asked while we were walking back.

"I don't know," I replied honestly.  We went inside to see that Della had cooked up some lunch for us.

"I was just about to come and get you," she explained.

"This food looks great," Lihn said as we sat down.  After we finished we went back to our room and tried to figure out something to play when I remembered a game that I always regretted afterward.

"How about we play truth or dare," I suggested.  After I explained the rules everyone seemed to think that playing this would be a very good idea.

"I'm going first," exclaimed Keefe, before anyone else could decide who would.

"Truth or dare....Biana"

"Truth," she replied.

"Have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied, obviously regretting her choice to pick truth.

"Truth or dare Sophie," she said quickly, saving her from Keefe who was pressing for details.

"...dare," I decided, figuring it would be safer than a truth.

"I dare you to go to your dad and say you have a boyfriend," she said.  "You can tell him it's just part of the game afterward but make sure you record his facial expression," she finished.  I got a camera and leaped over to Havenfield.

"What are you doing here kiddo," Grady asked, trying to give Verdi some food that she didn't like, "I thought you finish your sleepover in a couple of days."

"We still have a few more days but I wanted to tell you the important news," I said, getting out the camera.

"I have a boyfriend!" I said.

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