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A/N: Tremendous thanks to everyone who has read my Sophitz!  I can't believe it has 500.  Thank you!

Sophie's POV

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Tell me what? I transmitted

Nothing.  I could see his mind scrambling to cover up what he was going to say.

I'll make a deal with you. I promise I won't press you about it if you tell me before we get home

Eventually, he transmitted: Fine.  While we walked back I thought about what he thought.

Either he was asking her when to be her girlfriend or hopefull.  There was a major difference between the two.  When we reached the door I realized that even if he was asking me to be his hopefull it still proved that he liked me.  So when I went to the bed I finally fell asleep without any nightmares.

"Wow, epic Sophitz fail," said Keefe.  He was supposed to be visiting us as a nice friend but fairly spectacularly.

"What do you want Keefe?" I sighed as Ro asked Elwin if the ooze would come.  Sadly, Elwin said it would be at the end of today.  When we explained that we went to the secret cafeteria without Keefe he said we owed him something.  Magnate Leto came in and somehow convinced Keefe to go back to Elvin history without that much whining.

"Do you want to try and reach out to Silveny?" Fitz suggested.

"Sure," I said, thinking that SIlveny would be worn out by our talk last time.  Apparently, I was wrong and we spent the whole day trying to convince her to let Edaline check on her.

By the end of the day, I was too exhausted to do anything except ask Fitz how he was holding up.  

"So you know about that thing I was thinking about?" Fitz asked.  When I nodded he continued, "The thing was that I was thinking was that I like you."  He said it so quickly that it took me a second to process what he said.

"And this is where you tell me you like me as a friend," Fitz mumbled, dragging his hand down his face.

"No, Fitz.  I do like you," I said softly.  Fitz's face broke into a grin as he asked, "Since when?"  I had been hoping this was the question that he would avoid but I still answered, "Since I first met you."

"Well,  I think this is too much for my brain to handle," I said, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said.

"Can't believe that you missed the chance to see the ooze," Keefe said as my eyes fluttered open.  He smirked as I sat up and saw Fitz already up.  I groaned and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Well that sounds nice," he muttered.


"It's fine Foster, don't worry, and to answer your earlier question I'm here to help you with your telekineses!"  We both groaned in unison as he continued, "So first I'll get Fitz up to speed, and then I can teach you both the new trick I learned!"

After finishing our lesson with Keefe he left so quickly he could have light-leaped.  I think it was because Elwin threatened to make him listen to old speeches of mentors and partially because Ro threatened to lace his dinner with microbes that she promised would not make his stomach happy.

Elwin gave us our morning check-up and announced, " You guys are healing a lot quicker than I imagined! Must be from all the times you almost died."

After Elwin went into his office Fitz said, "I wonder what everyone is going to think about us."

I was internally groaning as I said, "I hope Grady doesn't kill you.  I think he was serious about his threat."

"Well, maybe Edaline will convince otherwise," he responded as Elwin came in.

"Pack all of your things," he said, "You're leaving today!"

"You don't need to seem so happy about it," I joked as Fitz and I hopped out of bed and packed our stuff.  In three minutes flat we were ready to leave and when I said goodbye to Fitz I let the light carry me away.

The first thing I heard when my feet hit the ground was footsteps approaching closer.  When I opened my eyes I saw Edaline and Grady rush towards me so quickly I could barely see them.  They grabbed me in a crushing hug and I sank into it, grateful to see them.

"We didn't know you would be coming back kiddo," Grady said.

"Neither did I.  Elwin just told me and Fitz like five minutes ago?"  Edaline led us back toward the house and when she opened the door I practically sprinted toward the stairs.  Sandor lagged behind as I climbed the stairs and went to the shower.  I could have sworn I was in the shower for at least an hour but when I went out I saw the sun was still out.  

"Already inspected your room," Sandor said gruffly.

"Thanks," I said, already stretching out my consciousness to Fitz.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Fitz? Can you hear me?

Yep. You nearly made me hit the ceiling.


It's fine, it was worth it.

How are you holding up?  Did you tell anyone

I only told Biana but I swear with the way she yelled I wouldn't be surprised if my mom and dad heard it.

Ok. I'm going to tell Edaline when she comes up but then I'll let her handle Grady.

Probably smart. See you tomorrow!

Bye! I transmitted as I servered our connection and Edaline walked into the room.

"So here's the deal you can tell me who you were talking to or I can convince Grady to give you the talk about boys," Edaline said as she plopped down on the bed.

"I reached out to.....Fitz," I said, instantly regretting my decision. Edaline looked like she was about to start yelling the news to the whole world but thankfully she just went out through the door and didn't ask any questions.

I was just about to take Iggy out of the cage when I heard my Imparter ringing.

"Sorry buddy," I said as I reached for the Imparter.  Biana's face appeared on the screen and she said, "I knew it!"

"Knew what?" I asked as Iggy let out a toxic fart.

"Fitz just told me about you guys! Took you long enough though."

"Why don't you just come over so you can talk," I said exasperated.

"Great idea!" she said, "See you in a few!"

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