Hospital wing

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A/N: I'm sorta stuck on what Sophie and Fitz should do in the hospital.  If you have any ideas just put them in the comments.  Also, a new Kotlc book coming out!

Sophie's POV

"A month!?" Fitz practically yelled, as he flopped back on the bed and sighed.  "Well I guess this is the closest we've been to dying yet," he joked as he reluctantly took the sedative.  He downed it and almost immediately yawned.  I took my from the tray and drank it.  When Elwin returned to see if we needed anything, I had already closed my eyes and fallen asleep.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Do you realize you slept for 12 hours? 

What!? I transmitted as I tore open my eyes to find what time it was.

Relax.  I was kidding. I just woke up like five minutes ago.  He ducked as I flung a pillow at him.

"You missed!" he laughed which made him unexpected for when I flung the pillow back with telekinesis.  

"Who's laughing now?" I asked as Elwin rushed in and started flashing lights on us.

"You should have told me you were awake," he grumbled as he went over to check on Fitz, "The good news is that you didn't set back any progress so we should be good for today. You better not do anything else until I'm back in here." He ducked into his office and Fitz asked, "Do you want to work on some Cognate exercises?"

"Sure!" I said trying to sound cheerful as Fitz flashed me a movie star smile.  Cognates were supposed to share every secret so every exercise included things that would make you reveal more and more secrets.  I still hadn't told him about my crush on him.  I knew we were supposed to but doing it later than right now sounded a lot better.

"You also owe me a dare," he said, shaking me out of my thoughts.

"I'll give you an easy one," he said.  I relaxed a bit and he asked, "Do you like someone?"  I tried to keep my thoughts away from Fitz when I replied, "Yes."  Thankfully he didn't ask me who he just flashed me a smile and my heart fluttered.

"Here's your medicine," Elwin interrupted giving us huge trays of medicine.  We both groaned and started making our way through the tray.

"Do you want to start now?" Fitz asked as Elwin brought us our Cognate packet.

"Sure," I replied as I allowed Fitz to enter my mind.

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Ok, the first question is, what is your favorite place?  My mind went to Everglen and Fitz transmitted: Why? Is it because that's where you first stayed?

That and some other reasons.  Ok, next question if you could go anywhere with someone where would you go?

To the forbidden cities. Fitz transmitted softly as both of our faces flushed.

Only two more questions, if you could pick the best day of your life when would it be?

I would probably pick the day you found me.

Me too.  Remember when you thought you were an alien?  I laughed at the reminder of that day.  I looked at the question and smiled.

What is your favorite place?  Fitz's mind immediately went to Havenfield.  I decided not to ask questions, instead asking, "What do you want to do now?"

"How about we check on Silveny?" he suggested.  I nodded and connected my mind to his and transmitted: SILVENY! SILVENY!




That was how the rest of the day went with one-word conversations.  Even though we couldn't get Silveny to have us check on the babies she did agree to come later.  By the time we were done talking to Silveny, the sky had darkened and we ate the goopy medicine and fell asleep.

Fitz's POV

When I opened my eyes I saw something bright red against my chest.  I blinked again and saw Mr. Snuggles.  (A/N: Who is better? Ella or Mr. Snuggles?) I smiled and turned to see Sophie smiling back.

"There is nothing better than seeing Mr. Snuggles when you wake up," she said, pulling back her hair.

"Agreed. What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 9:05," she said, "P.M."

"WHAT!" I practically yelled.

"You realize that was the same conversation we had yesterday?" she asked her eyes twinkling.

I was internally groaning when Elwin announced, "Who's ready to get out of your beds?"

"I am," we both said in unison.  Elwin chuckled.

"Well, this next round of medicine should get you out of them."  I was internally celebrating so much I didn't hear what Sophie asked until she asked me if I was paying attention.

"What?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the secret mentor's room."

"Sure!" I said as her blonde hair came swishing around her head, covering her beautiful brown eyes.  I shook myself out of a daze as Elwin said it was okay to get up.

"If you need to sit back down there's nothing wrong with that," Elwin said as I threw off the blankets and slowly put my feet on the ground. I winced at the motion and slowly kept adding pressure to my legs until I was fully standing.  

"You good," I asked her as she wobbled and fell toward me.  I grabbed her quickly and she emerged blushing bright red.  Hopefully, that meant my plan was still on track.

"Thanks," she mumbled as we headed toward the door.  I smiled at her as Elwin winked at me and we headed out the door.  When we arrived at the mentor's room it was even more impressive than I had imagined.

I went over to the counter and brought back a tray of Mallowmelt to were some seating was.  We both sat down and I said, "Thanks for showing me this."  

"No problem," she replied modestly. She looked beautiful with her bright smile. When should I tell her that I

A/N Fitz is Italic, Sophie is underline

Tell me what?

Nothing I transmitted, hurriedly scrambling my thoughts.

I'll make a deal with you. I promise I won't press you about it if you tell me before we get home

I thought about my options and found myself transmitting Fine.

We decided to go back to the hospital wing and when we arrived I almost instantly fell asleep.

Fractal: Sophitz✔️(Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant