Chapter 29~

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When things started getting a little intimate between us, we heard someone clear their throat, and we broke away from each other.

We looked over to see Sheri standing there awkwardly, with her arms folded over her chest.

"Couldn't wait till the Honeymoon, huh?"

I raised an eyebrow and asked "How'd you-"

"I could hear your little ceremony from the living room...I'm quite hurt you didn't make me your Maid of Honor, Jeordie."

We laughed and our laughter was cut short by the sound of the front door, exploding open.

We all jumped and hurried out of the room to see Hugh, walk in.

He smiled and said "Hello, everyone."

Sheri stepped forward asked "How...How did you get in? I put a barrier up to keep you out.."

He smiled and said "Aww poor insignificant witch...Did you really think your little barrier, could scare me away?"

Something shiny caught my eyes and I saw Hugh carefully pull something out...I realized it was a dagger.

"Sheri, watch out!"

But before she could react, Hugh plunged the dagger into her stomach. 

"NOOOO!!!!"Brian screamed.

The blade was so deep, I thought I could see the tip of it, poking out her back.

She gasped and when he pulled the blade out, she dropped to the ground.

He looked at us and said "You're witch can't save you now."

He lunged towards me, but Brian threw him back. He pinned Hugh against the wall and said "I won't let you hurt my family."

Hugh's eyes turned red and he flipped their positions, slamming Brian against the wall.

I screamed "BRIAN!" While I was in the ground, with Sheri's torso on my lap. 

"Come on Sheri, don't leave us."

She coughed, causing blood to trickle out her mouth, and she said "It's too late for me..I can't heal myself..The ritual can only be performed by a witch..I'm finished, boys."

Hugh held Brian there by his throat and said "That human and that monstrosity growing in his belly, is not your family!"

He pulled Brian away, and slammed him back into the wall, causing the whole house to shake. 

Hugh continued to choke Brian, while Brian was struggling to breathe.

I had to think quick to keep Hugh from killing him, and that's when I saw a large sword close by,

"I'm really gonna enjoy killing your precious human and your bastard child...And when I'm done with them, I'm going to-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I ran up behind him, and stabbed the blade of the sword into his neck.

He screamed in pain, and I pulled it out. Blood started pouring from his neck, and he let go of Brian. He dropped down to the ground on his knees, and looked up at us.

I handed Brian the sword. And he walked up to his father. Hugh looked at his son with tear glassed eyes and whispered "Please.."

Brian gripped the handle of the sword tight and Hugh said "You can't do this, son...What about your family."

Brian looked over me, then back to his father. "They're my family, now."

He raised the sword high, and swung down. We watched as his head flew off his body, and hit the wall before landing on the floor.

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