Chapter 21~

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*Olivia's P.O.V.~*

I stared out the window in my room, taking in the beautiful light of the full moon. That's when I thought back to something Henry told me, two days before he was killed. 

"I will love you to the moon and back. And if you ever lose me, look up at the moon, and I'll be smiling down at you, my Love."

I smiled, but then it faded when I thought of him...I miss him...I miss him so much, it hurts. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when I heard my bedroom door open. I looked over and saw my dad walk in, and close the door behind him.

I smiled a little and said "Hey dad."

He smiled and said "Hey Princess...Where's Brian?"

I shrugged and said "I'm not sure..He could be anywhere."

He nodded and said "Yes, that's true...This house is so big, you'd need a search party if you got lost."

I smiled and he asked "Is something troubling you, Olivia?"

I shook my head and said "No...I'm

Just thinking, that's all."

He nodded and said "Well, something is troubling me."

I looked up at him and asked "What is it?"

He came over to me and asked "What I'm trying to figure out is, who was that girl that Brian was with, on your birthday?"

I shook my head and said "I have no idea...She was beautiful...She seemed to make him happy."

He nodded and said "Yes, she was a stunning young lady...But one thing about her was quite odd..."

I swallowed nervously, and asked "What...What is it?"

His eyes locked on mine and he asked "Why was she wearing one of your dresses?"

My eyes went wide and before I could respond, he wrapped his hands around my throat, pushed my head to the side, and sank his fangs into my neck.

This is bad...This is very very bad.

When a Vampire bites another Vampire's wrist or neck, it doesn't kill them...But it reveals any secrets they're keeping, and shows images...I can see the images, and so can he.

I can see Brian in the infirmary with Jeordie, I can see him and Jeordie kiss for the first time, them making love...Everything. Then I see Henry's face. Then I see all Henry and I did, when he was alive, and it was almost the same as Brian and Jeordie's.

He yanked his fangs out of my neck, and screamed. 

"Dad please-" 

He back handed me hard, across the face, and I fell to the floor. I looked up at him, and I could see the burning anger and hatred in his eyes.

"How could you?!?! My own flesh and blood, consorting with humans!!! I loved you both!! I loved you more than anything!!"

He yanked me up by my hair, ignoring my cries in pain. "You tell me where they are right now, or I will bleed you out in front of your entire family!"

"I-I don't know where they are!!"

"Don't lie to me, girl!"

"I'm not lying! I honestly don't know where they are!"

He bit me again, and neither of us could see anything else...I was right.

He pulled away, and said "Even though you weren't lying about where they are....You both must be punished for your disgusting sins."

He let go of my hair, but grabbed my wrist in a death grip. There wasn't any way I could warn Brian about dad, so I pray he doesn't come home.

I'm so sorry Brian...

I failed you both.

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