Chapter 19~

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"Where are we going?" I asked as we passed through the meadow that led to the cabin. He looked back at me with a smile on his face and said "I'm taking you to meet Sheri."

"Really? How far out does she live?"

"Not to far...She loves the seclusion so she can concentrate on her spells, but thankfully she didn't move out to the mountains, or I'd be burnt like bacon when the sun rises."

I laughed and said "Yeah, we don't want that now, do we."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, he kissed my temple and said "You know...I kinda wanna thank Olivia for tripping you."

I looked at him surprised and asked "What? Why?"

He said "Cause if she hadn't and if my father never beat you to a pulp, I may have never came to apologize and heal you...And you never would've been mine."

I smiled and asked "Do you wanna thank your dad too?"

He chuckled and said "No, he can go fuck himself, because he hurt you...And if he killed you, I wouldn't hesitate to kill him." His time turned serious, and awkward silence fell between us.

Soon we could hear the rush of a river, and we stopped to see a large river in front of us. The water was moving pretty fast, and there were large flat stones and formed a path to the other side.

Suddenly I was lifted up from the ground, and realized Brian had picked me up Bridal Style. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he said "Hang on tight, my little Bride." And before I could even blink, we were on the other side of the river. 

He gently set me down on the ground and he smiled. "One of the perks of being a Vampire." I smiled and we continues walking, until we reached a wooded area.

We walked until a small cottage came into view....It looked something out of a Disney movie. We walked up to the front door, and he knocked. 

We waited and a few seconds later, the door opened, revealing a tall, blond woman. Her hair was a golden blond, she was very thin, and she looked tired. She smiled and said "Brian Warner...I had a feeling you'd return."

He smiled and said "Hey Sheri, there's someone I'd like you to meet. Sheri, this is Jeordie, Jeordie this is my friend, Sheri."

She smiled at me and said "Oh, so this is the famous Jeordie...No wonder he won't stop yapping about you, you're adorable sweetheart."

I blushed a little and said "T-Thank you, Ma'am."

She laughed and said "Oh Honey, call me Sheri. Or Sheri Moon if you want, that's just my Witch name in case I ever cross paths with other witches. Witches are very strict about certain things, it drives me crazy."

*A/N: For those who don't know, Sheri is Rob Zombies wife, Sheri Moon Zombie. You are welcome.*

I nodded and said "Okay, Sheri."

She smiled and asked "Well are you two gonna stand at my door all day like Jehovah's Witnesses, or are you gonna come inside?" We came inside, and she shut the door behind us.

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