Chapter 13~

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I had lost track of time and when I woke up, I was back in my room. I looked around, and wondered how I got back here. Then it hit me...


I looked over at the empty spot beside me, and saw a handwritten note sitting on the pillow. The handwriting was definitely fancy, but not the point where it was illegible.


I'm sorry I'm not there with you, but I had to get you back soon, before my family or anyone else noticed I was gone. I didn't want to wake you, because you look so peaceful when you sleep.

I wish I could be with you, but I know we'll see each other very soon. I have some exciting news! Tomorrow is the Antichrist's, I mean my little sisters birthday, and my parents are throwing her a big birthday bash.

I know it sounds very unpleasant, but I know how you and I can be together during the party, without anyone else knowing. Just trust me on this, and meet me tomorrow night at 9:30. The party starts at 10, and it's a Masquerade Ball.

Like I said, just trust me. I can't wait to see you! See you tomorrow night my Love.

I love you,


I smiled and laid back down, until my head hit the soft pillow. I hugged the note close to my heart, and sighed. But one thing did confuse me....How could anyone not notice a dude in a cheap dress? 

I sure hope he knows what he's doing. Cause if we get caught, we're finished.

I was wrapped up in my thoughts, when there was a knock on the door. I got up from the bed, hurried over to the door, and opened it. 

John was standing on the other side of it, and I smiled.

"Hey John, what's up?"

"Nothing much...You?"

I said "Oh, I just woke up...I'm so tired.."

He gave me a look and said "Yeah...May I come in?"

I nodded and said "Sure, go ahead."

He walked over to the bed, and sat down on the edge.

"So....Where were you last night?" He asked, looking up at me. I bit my lip and said "N-Nothing, I was asleep..Why?"

He said "Well I came over to check up on you, and you weren't in your room..I spent almost an hour looking around the whole mansion for you, and you were nowhere to be found...Care to explain?"

I said "Oh um...I-I was having trouble sleeping, so I decided to go outside and take a walk for a while, to relax."

He looked at me unconvinced, but nodded.

He said "Okay....Well then what's this?" He grabbed the note and held it up to me. My eyes went wide, and I tried to grab it, but he pulled his arm away.

"John, give it back!"

He ignored me, and ran to the bathroom, and locked himself in. I pounded on the door and said "John please! Open the door!"

I pressed my ear to the door and didn't hear anything, but I heard him gasp and then he yelled "Oh my God!" He threw the door open, yanked me inside, and closed it back. He locked the door again and looked at me.

I bit my lip nervously, and could feel my hands start to sweat. "Listen John...I can explain-"

"Jeordie, are you insane?! You're with Prince Brian?!" He whisper yelled.

"John please-"

"He's a vampire! You're a human! Do you know what kind of game you're playing?!?! If anyone found out you two were together, they'll kill you both Jeordie! They'll fucking kill you!" 

"You think I don't know that already, John?! Of course I know!"

"Then why are you getting involved with a Vampire?! Or a Royal Vampire to be exact?!"

"Because I love him, John!"

His eyes widened when I said that, and he said "You...You what?!"

I rolled my eyes and said "You heard me! I love him! He's not what you think-"

"He's a Vampire, Jeordie! They don't care about anybody, but themselves!"

"He saved my life!" That shut him up. "John, you saw what he did when his dad almost beat me to death! And after I woke up, he came to the infirmary, and personally apologized to me...Now look me in the eyes and tell me he doesn't care!"

He stood this with his mouth open a little, staring at me. He didn't talk for a minute, until he finally spoke up. "So...What happened when he made us leave you alone with him? Did he...Did he change you?"

I shook my head and said "No. He helped me heal quicker...And he asked me to be his."

"His what? His slave?"

"No John..He wanted us to be together."

John opened his mouth again, but I cut him off. "Please John, you CANNOT tell ANYONE about this, please...He's not like the rest of them...He hates his life. He wanted to kill himself....For God's sake John, he wants to be human. I'm begging you...Please don't tell anyone...I love him more than anything."

John's face softened up, and he sighed. "Alright..Your secret is safe with me." My face lit up, and I threw my arms around him.

"Thank you John! Thank you, thank you!"

He hugged me back and said "But if he hurts you, I'm barbecuing his ass, got it?"

I nodded and said "Okay." 

I love John...He's my best friend.

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