Chapter 15~

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I was feeling really nervous right now...What if the spell doesn't work? What if Hugh can see past the trick? What if everyone can see past it? If it doesn't work, we're dead.

Come on Jeordie, relax a little! Brian said to just trust him, and you can trust him...Right? Okay I really need to stop thinking like this, and chill out...I just have to get through the evening with no trouble, and all is good.

I took a deep breath, fixed my hair a little, and adjusted my flowing red dress that hugged my twig like body, and flowed down the rest of the way, past my thighs.

You can do this, White...You can do this. Just focus on Brian and nothing else.....

You can do this.

I took one more deep deep breath, before slowly making my way down the grand staircase, with the sea of the masked undead below.

I watched as the guests chattered away, acting all high and mighty, until I saw all eyes fixed on me. The room went silent, and I started feeling nervous.

I scanned the crowd of masked faces searching for Brian, went I found him, standing at the bottom of the stairs, by one of the railings. He smiled up at me, and everyone starting whispering about "Who's that girl?"

It's working! It's actually working! As I reached Brian, he extended his hand up to me, and I smiled. I slid my hand in his, and felt my whole body get warm.

He smiled and leaned down and kissed my hand, before asking "May I have this dance?"

I smiled and nodded and said "Yes, you may." Hell even my voice sounded feminine...Sheri must really know her shit.

He lead me down the stairs and people cleared a path for us, before he led me to the dance floor. We got to the center of the floor, and he immediately put his hands on my waist, and my arms looped around his neck.

I laid my head down on his chest and sighed, as we slowly swayed to the music. He kissed the top of my head and said "You see? They're all buying it...It's working perfectly."

I smiled and asked "Really? How so?"

He smiled and said "Because I'm the only one in this room who can see what you truly look like...and it's amazing...Something as beautiful as you, shouldn't be hiding behind a mask and a silly charm."

I smiled even more and asked "You really are a charmer, aren't you?"

He chuckled and said "Only for you, my Love"

The song ended, and a more festive song began, and couples around us started waltzing or something around us, so we started doing the same. The song sounded familiar, and I think I've heard it somewhere before...I just can't remember where.

*A/N: The song is Bust Your Windows by Jazmine Sullivan, and imagine it as the party scene in Step Up 3 between Luke and Natalie, but not exactly.*

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