Chapter 26~

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I cried as I held him in my arms..She didn't deserve to die. He held me too, and I felt him put his hand on my stomach.

"How did you find out?" He asked, gently rubbing his hand on my belly.

I kissed the top of his head and said "When we were at Sheri's...She looked at me funny and when you left the room to play with Ruby, she came over to me, and put her hand on my stomach. I asked her what she was doing, and she told me I was almost three months pregnant.."

He looked up at me and asked "How is that possible?"

I said "She told me since it's half Vampire, it's an accelerated pregnancy...But I didn't have any of the symptoms.."

He looked up at me with red puffy eyes and said "I swear to you, when we get out of here, I will take care of you and our child." 

I smiled and kissed his forehead. He looked down at my belly and said "Hey there little baby...I'm your daddy...And you'll be as perfect as your mommy."

"I hate to break up this touching moment, but I have one more fish to fry." He sped over to us, and pulled me away from him.

"No..No, no, DON'T HURT HIM, PLEASE!" I yelled, struggling to get away.

"Dad please!!" He pleaded.

He looked over at Brian and said "You know what...Change of plans. I'm gonna kill your precious human, and I'll kill you last."

My eyes went wide, and before he could do anything else, Hugh was shot away from me, and held up in the air.

We looked over and Sheri was standing there, with her arm raised in the air.

She looked over at Brian and said "Shield your eyes." He nodded and looked away. She used her free hand  to shoot light out of it, and broke his chains. 

He got up, ran to me and said "Come on, we need to go."

"But what about the sun? If you go out there, you'll die!"

"Wear this, it'll protect you from the sunlight." She threw a necklace towards him, and he caught it. He slipped it over his head, and it fell in place around his neck.

She said "Get to the cottage, I don't know how mush longer I can hold him." 

He grabbed my hand and said "Come on!" We ran out of the chamber, and all the way through the house, with Sheri close behind us.

When we got to the front door, I opened it, and we stopped. We slowly walked out of the house and into the sunlight. I looked over at him, and he was still there...The charm worked.

"That great, you can walk in daylight, but we kind of need to go!" Sheri said, running to us. We ran with her and left Hugh behind...

But we knew that he will come for us...And he won't stop until all of us, including our child, is dead.

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