Chapter 25~

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The look on Brian's face when I said that, will always be burned into my memory. It was a mixture of shock, and fear. And I could understand why, I just told his father I'm pregnant with his son's child, and he's choking me.

Hugh's eyes widened and I felt his grip loosen up a little. "What did you just say?"

He set me down on the ground, and let go. I hunched over and gasped for air. I stood up straight and said "You heard me...Let your son and your daughter go, for the sake of your grandchild." 

I grabbed his hand, and put it against my stomach. Even though it was too early for the baby to be kicking, I felt it kick against his hand, and he yanked his hand away from my stomach. 

He stood there in total shock, and didn't do or say anything. Hopefully this'll open his eyes, and he'll let us all go. But my hope was cut short, by him smacking me across the face.

"NO!!" Brian screamed, he yanked hopelessly on his chains, but couldn't break himself free.

He threw me up against the wall, and said "I won't allow the disgusting creature germinating inside you, to be brought into this world." 

He looked over at Olivia and yelled "Kill her!"

Brian and I looked over at her, and we heard a loud creaking, above us. We looked up, and there was what looked like some metal opening, that slowly started opening....That's when it hit me.

It was Olivia's body, being burned in Sheri's vision. 

Brian looked down at his sister and said "Olivia...Olivia, look at me!"

She looked at him and he said "I love you, sis."

She smiled and said "I love you too...You take care of him and that baby."

He nodded and said "I will, I promise." 

She nodded and the opening in the ceiling, continued to creak and groan. She looked up directly at it and said "I'm coming Henry." 

We watched as the opening completely opened, and sunlight beamed down on her.

She screamed as the light of the sun started burning her flesh.


I cried as we watched her burn. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, and her fangs were fully exposed. 

After a minute, her screaming stopped, and her body fell limp on it's side.

Brian looked down at his little sister, and was sobbing. Hugh let go of me, and I ran over to Brian. I threw my arms around him, and he buried his head in my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair, and rested my chin on top of his head. Tears silently rolled down my cheeks as I looked at her charred body...

Hugh is a monster.

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