Chapter 27~

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"You two can stay here as long as it takes. Anything to keep you and that baby, safe."

We nodded, and he asked "How accelerated is his pregnancy?"

She said "Well, with Vampires it's different..Now if it was a Voodoo pregnancy, he'd be ready to burst by now, But with Vampires, it's unclear."

He nodded, and carefully wrapped his arms around my waist, from behind. He kissed me on the cheek and said "Looks like we're gonna need to keep a very watchful eye on you now, momma."

I nodded and said "I hate feeling like a burden on you guys." 

"Jeordie, you're not a burden on either of us. Brian is my closest friend, and I will protect you three with my life. Now when the sun goes down, none of us can leave this cabin."

"Can't you use your magic to keep the sun out every day?" I asked.

"Honey, changing the shift from day to night, is out of my reach. That kind of magic, is almost medieval. As easy as it sounds, I can't do it. If I do, it'll take all my power away."

Wow...Never knew that could happen..It seemed so simple.

"Changing the shift messes with Earth's natural balance. And if you're a witch, and you throw the world off balance, it means one of two things. Either you're hellbent on the destruction of life itself, or you're in big big trouble." 

I started getting worried, because that means once the sun goes down, Hugh can just waltz in, and kill us all.

"And I know you're worried, but I'll do all I can to keep that leech out. I'll put a barrier around the cottage, so he can't get in. You'll be safe Jeordie. And once he's dead, you'll never have to worry about him, ever again." 

I nodded and Brian held me tighter. "Be careful, baby...We got a little passenger on board."

He smiled and said "I know...And I love our little passenger, just as much as I love you." He kissed my temple and it made me smile.

"God you two are adorable together...It's like I'm watching some chick flick."

We laughed and she said "Well then, I best start finding all materials needed...I've got a barrier to make." 

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