Chapter 5:training being part 1

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After the long battle with ChaosCrusadermon, Tai, Agumon, Davis, Veemon, Takato and Guilmon were back inside Piximon's home and getting their injuries treated by Sora, Biyomon, Kari, Gatomon and MarineAngemon, as well as Rika and Renamon, who were using various healing based Digimon Cards to help the boys feel better.

"I can not believe it. Even with UlforceVeedramon, we got beaten down by just one Chaos Knight." Davis groaned, to which Tai and Takato felt the same way, making the Digidestined of Courage say in reply. "I know, but it was lucky that Rosemon saved us in time."

"You are too kind." Palmon replied, flattered by their kind words, before she said. "But it was thanks to all of you that I was able to gain such strength."

"Especially you, Tentomon." She then finished, moving over to the Digimon of Knowledge and surprising him a little when she kissed his cheek.

"Thank you." Tentomon replied, both from Palmon's words and her kiss.

"And don't worry guys. I know we'll win the next time we encounter a Chaos Knight, we just have to be more cooperative." The Digimon of Knowledge then told Tai, Davis, Takato and their Digimon, making Yolei add, while looking over at Davis and Veemon. "And less reckless."

Ignoring her, Davis and Veemon just remained on the floor, allowing Kari and Gatomon to finish fixing them up, with Kari wrapping bandages around the Digidestined of Miracle's chest, while Gatomon had finished patching Veemon up and finished by giving her love a kiss on the forehead.

Facing the Digidestined and the Tamers, Gennai spoke up.

"You need to train. You saw how strong one Chaos Knights can be, not to mention they prove more than a match for the Sovereigns." He said.

"Don't ya think we know that?" Impmon asked.

"Of course we have to get stronger, but in case you guys forgot, there are thirteen of those Chaos jerks running around. What's stopping them from just comin' here and deleting us?" The imp Digimon then asked.

"Not to worry." Piximon reassured, before he saying. "While you were fighting ChaosCrusadermon, I analyzed her Data and have created a barrier around the area to keep away any Digimon with the same chaos energy. It's only temporary, but it's all I can do at the moment."

Takato got up from the bed, ignoring the pain he and Guilmon had endured and looked at Gennai, Piximon and Azulongmon, where he then asked. "When and where do we train?"

"Your training starts today." Piximon replied.

"As for where, follow me." Gennai said, turning around and walking off, which caused the Digidestined, Tamers and Digimon to all follow, making their way through Piximon's house, until they came to a room, one not even the Digidestined knew about or had entered during their time training with the petite sized Digimon, which, after Gennai had opened the door, all were in awe at what they saw.

Inside, the room looked far more high tech when compared to the rest of Piximon's house, for there was various kinds of exercise equipment, monitors and dials to change the conditions of the room.

And being the first to speak, Henry asked what was on everyone's mind. "What is all this?"

"This is your training room. After ChaosDiaboromon was defeated, we took precautions into making sure that if another force came into existence, you would all be prepared and had this room constructed." Gennai replied, before telling the heroes and heroines. "Not only will this allow you to push yourself beyond your limits, but thanks to the chromomagnetic energy Azulongmon was able to obtain from Clockmon, time moves slower within than it does when compared to the rest of the Digital World."

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