Chapter 4: First Fight of Chaos

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Both the Digidestined and the Tamers were still shocked at what Gennai told them.

Curious, Takato asked. "So who are the Royal Knights?"

"As Gatomon said, they were an order of the thirteen most powerful Digimon. They were all great warriors, but their legend has long since been forgotten by most of the Digital World." Gennai explained, before looking at Agumon, Gabumon, Veemon and Guilmon. "But their legacy remains."

Agumon was confused when he noticed Gennai look at him, as well as what he meant by 'their legacy', causing the Digimon of Courage to ask. "Not be rude but what do you mean 'their legacy remains'?"

"Amongst the thirteen Royal Knights, four stood out. Not only were they powerful, but they shared the same ideals of trust, respect and bravery. They fought alongside each other and their fellow knights, enduring many hardships, but refused to give up or let their comrades fall in battle. These four I think you might be familiar with. They were Omnimon, Magnamon, UlforceVeedramon and Gallantmon." Gennai explained.

The digidestined the Tamers and Digimon were surprised from what they heard, which caused Veemon to get up from his seat and ask. "Ok, I'm seriously surprised and confused. Are you telling me I'm related to the Royal Knights?"

"You better believe it. Within your code lies the data of Magnamon, making you an official descendant of the Royal Knights." Piximon replied

Davis then rose his hand.

"But Gennai, I'm confused. Veemon became UlforceVeedramon when we Biomerged, so that means is he related to Magnamon and UlforceVeedramon?" The leader of the younger Digidestined asked, which made Gennai nod.

"Veemon does have both the Data of Magnamon and Ulforceveedramon inside his being because both those Royal Knights had the Data of the Veemon species within them. In fact, both started off as Veemon themselves." He told Davis.

Davis and veemon were shocked at what Gennai had told them as both then took to their seats, before Gennai faced Agumon, Gabumon and Guilmon, where he added. "And the same goes for you guys."

While amazed at what they had heard and now knew what they were, Azulongmon interrupted.

"Gennai, Piximon, I sense a dark force approaching." He warned, before a dark voice spoke up.

"Knock knock. Can the digidestined and the Tamers come out to play?"

Hearing the call, the Digidestined, the Tamers, Gennai and Piximon all went outside to see who wished to 'play' with them, where they all looked up and saw a figure hovering above them.

"finally, you came out to play. Let me introduce myself to you, I'm ChaosCrusadermon, the most beautiful of all the Chaos Knights. But don't let my charms fool you, as I can be quite deadly." ChaosCrusadermon said.

Tai, Davis and Takato pulled out their respective Digivices and held them out, while Agumon, Veemon and Guilmon got before their partner, ready to Digivolve.

"Let do this guys!" Davis called out, summoning the power of his D-3, which began to glow, as did Veemon, while Tai and Takato followed in Davis' steed, releasing their energies to their partners.

"Biomerge activate!" The three called out, offering both power and body to their partner.

"Guilmon Biomerge to... Gallantmon!"

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