Forty one~

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🎵:Space makes me sad~ Fiji blue

[•••where love is great,
The littlest doubts are fear;
Where little fears grow great,
Great love grows there•••]

- Hamlet, Shakespeare

(Font- This is for calls conversation)

They were trying to get used to this for the time being, emphasize on the word 'trying' doesnt mean they were capable of executing it.

With distance it became harder for Seokmin to see  his friends being overly lovey dovey around him, did so for Joshua as the 95z lived in the same dorm, he had practically become a third wheel living with a wannabe married couple, it was always them cuddling in the couch and Joshua prefered to not see them, yearning for Seokmin's hugs.

then came the fights, technically arguments on silly small things, not having time for each other.

Jealousy is an ugly emotion. Seokmin knows it very well, so he did not mention anything about it when that one time they were having a usual face time and he heard joshua say something in the lines of
"hey can you pass me the mug Johnny" and Seokmin so very well remembers the name. what was he doing with Joshua? in their dorm? "here you go Josh" he heard the said Johnny say.

and Seokmin didn't say anything, he had just ended the call without any explanation and not texted 'goodnight' with his selca to Joshua like he everyday does.

It took him exactly 2 days 9 hours 45 minutes 21 seconds (obv not like Joshua was waiting for a call) to give in and call the older. He was ready to rant and scream if needed but he could not not talk to Joshua.

"hey baby" he thinks he heard Joshua say because there was a lot of noise behind, of people chatting and clinking of glasses, "oh are you busy? should i call later" feeling guilty as he was, for not answering Joshua's previous  calls and replying with vague texts.

"is it dokyeomie" he heard Jeonghan's voice. joshua nodded and was quick to  switch to video call. "hannie hyung" Seokmin beamed,his hying looking oh so more handsome.

There were two other people he recognised one as johnny and the other...? "oh minnie, say hi to Johnny and his boyfriend Ten" Joshua said and put the phone in front of the mentioned.

Seokmin held the urge to let out a sigh of relief, all those negative thoughts for nothing ?and oh my god Ten did he say? looked immensely mesmerizing. "hey" seokmin said with a shy smile. "so you are the cutie, Joshua cant stop daydreamin about during classes" Seokmin blushed waving off the compliment on the screen to hide his blush. "he is adorable Josh" ten commented. "i know" Joshua ginned "i will be in my room" receiving a thumbs up from he others.

They went on talking about normal things happened around them and with them, habitually asking about meals and studies

Seokmin's random bahaviour  didnt sit outright  with Joshua However he didnt want to put seokmin in a gunpoint situation so he was okay to let it pass, "sorry i acted weird" Joshua was startled when Seokmin  jumped from talking about the new Tiger jumpsuit Soonyoung bought.

"whatever it is i know its not serious don't worry" joshua assured.
Seokmin felt so silly for his act all for the stupid three letter word called 'ego', Joshua trusted him, he should too by now.

"ALSO IS JIHOON REALLY GOING TO PROPOSE Soonyoung???" Joshua exclaimed as he remembered Jeonghan telling him briefly about this.

Seokmin chuckled, "yes, by the way, why you all having party, dont you have classes tomorrow"

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