seventeen ~

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SAY THE NAME______________

🎶: same dream, same mind, same night
By svt


Seokmin looked away suddenly not having the strength to speak.

Joshua's eyes travelled to the younger's, his eyes heavy lided but still bright as ever and  slightly messy wet hair and few strands sticking to his forehead.
Shit he looks hot he thought.

" i mean" he stuttered not finding words to help himself .
It was now or never he thought.

"I like you hyung." he said almost shouting in desperation and scared...scared of loosing their bond. " A lot" he continued looking down now.

There was pin drop silence.
Joshua, now snapped from his thoughts didn't know what to say.
Seokmin could hear the fan's creaking noise as it moved. He could hear the slightest noise of wind brushing in through the open windows. He has his heart in his throat.
Swallowing in a lump.
That's it he has messed up he thought.

"Don't mind me hyung, i don't know what am saying. Why would you like me, why would anyone like me," his insecurities slowly kicking in, "just pl.. please don't ignore or break our friendship....i don't want to loose you. You can ignore what i said-" he was cut off by feeling the smoothest thing he has ever felt on his lips.

It was Joshua's lips.
Joshua leaned towards seokmin closing his own eyes and put his lips on the other's stopping him from rambling stuff. He could feel the tremble on the lips.

Joshua didn't know why he did this but he just couldn't hear seokmin say anything bad about himself.

Seokmin's eyes widened and hands were in air. It was only a peck but Seokmin's heartbeat said otherwise. They stayed like that for a while.

They were so close, their nose brushing to each other slightly he could feel the jisoo's hot breath on his lips

[A/N : one kiss is all it takes, falling in love with me~] (ok sorry)

Joshua pulled back looking at the other who looked so cute with flushed cheeks and eyes wide, worried immediately that he did something wrong.

"Sorry if that was sudden-"
Seokimin licked his lips looking directly at the other's lips and this time it was joshua who was pulled in for a kiss
He was met with Seokmin's slightly chapped lips. He kinda smelled and tasted a bit like mint probably the toothpaste but thats not what matters right now.

Seokmin lowered his hands to Joshua's waist pulling him closer than ever.

Joshua's mind went blank because all he could now think was about the younger in his arms. He didn't take time reaching for Seokmin's nape, gripping tightly and tilting his head deepening the kiss.

It felt like the world stopped and it was only the two of them. As cliche as it sounds in movies and dramas. Seokmin never thought he'd feel this way.

He bit the other's lower lip licking it a little more, Joshua moaned into the feeling, and his pale lips parted as Seokmin skillfully slipped his tongue in the older's mouth as he licked all over the other's mouth, seokmin doesn't know what gave him this type of confidence to do this but Joshua felt like he was on fire.

Their mouths moved in such sync that made joshua wonder how did seokmin learn to kiss so good.

The kiss was desperate but slow and sweet, they took all the time both needed to settle with each other.

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