thirty five~

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~Waiting for weekends feels like time is  frozen~ - rest by Yerin

Dream&Purple rose by Jeonghan
(Coz am addicted)

Turning the last page, the summary Seokmin revised it for the fifth time before finally closing his book.

He leaned back on the chair and stretched, yawning as he got up to fetch a glass of lemonade maybe. He took of the beanie he had been wearing which made his hair stand up due to the static friction. He looked funny but hardly cared.

It's freezing cold, he really just wanna get inside the coziness of his blanket, last exam to go then winter vacations finally.

The bell rang when he was in the kitchen, slightly hoping it might be Joshua because Soonyoung is as always spending the night at Jihoon's. Seriously he should just move in with him at this point.

Seeing his favourite person on the door, he didn't wait to engulf him in a tight embrace.

"Hyung" he mumbled in his shoulder.

"Hey" Joshua said as he moved his hand in comforting pats on Seokmin's head.

They hardly met during Joshua's finals and his got over before Seokmin's.

"How was your exam" Seokmin asked as he took joshua's hand in his and pulled him inside.

"Great actually, its weird how i didn't feel dizzy before the test" of course he didn't. Before the amount of pills he took caused him to feel somnolent during exams.

"You have another one to go right?"

"Yeah, just got done revision" Seokmin sighed and gave Joshua a glass of water.


Seokmin took the glass and kept it by the sink before walking to joshaa

"You know i kind of missed you" Seokmin shyly confessed while tugging on Joshua's waistband while his other hand roamed up to cup his neck.

"You sure? You have to wake up early tomorrow" Joshua definitely wasn't gonna say no to what was to happen but worried at the same time.

"I could definitely use a break" Seokmin said before catching Joshua's lips in passionate kiss. He might need up sore next day but rather relax for now.

Things happened too fast and soon Joshua was hovering over Seokmin, shirtless, leaving open mouthed kisses down his collarbone.

Seokmin looked beautiful writhing under Joshua's fingers, as did his pleases of wanting more of the pleasure. Half glad that they were alone in the house.

Seokmin passed out by the time they were done, exhausted.

Joshua cleaned both of them, changed the bedsheets and lit up a scented candle in Seokmin's room.

He tucked Seokmin inside the blanket when his eyes went over the younger's messy table, the laptop still switched on with some website open, books and papers scattered.

Joshua shook his head and looked at Seokmin sleeping with his lips parted, giving out soft snores. He must be tired, working so hard Joshua though feeling a pinch of guilt for their round just now.

"Ah ah shua hyung ice cream" Seokmin muttered and smiled retuning to snoring in small.

His sleep talking habit indeed. But Joshua couldn't complain, it was a good tactic to tease him about the next day and he looked adorable.

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