twenty seven~

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Song: black clouds by nct 127
(Highly recommend)

Continued.... around 9 pm at night.

Seokmin settled on the couch with his MacBook and a thick Geography book along with refreshers and got to doing his and Joshua's project.

Honestly he would love his presence here and now but this is something Seokmin called upon himself so he can't even call the older.

Sighing he surfed the browser with the related topic research and groaned in about like 7 minutes complaining not wanting to study the world map. Joshua was supposed to do that!

Pacing back and fourth the deadline in a day how is he going to get the work done alone

I am hungry
He thought.

On opening the fridge there were plenty of vegetables, guess Minghao refilled the grocery.

He took out mushrooms, peppers, spinach and a lot of mozzarella and Feta cheeze
So much for healthy eating.

Simply stir fried and drizzled it with sesame oil.
Heavenly aroma filled the house, tasty,he said.
(*Wonu's voice*)

Placing a lid on the pan i don't want to eat it right away he thought and stared blankly at a cactus plant kept in the living room.

he missed joshua by his side, yes they met yesterday but something about the other left seokmin wanting to be in his embrace.

he had been nothing but nice to him, from the moment Seokmin accidently came clean with his feelings to him. he wondered what Joshua exactly liked about him, he wasn't that great of a person, he was cowardly, Seommin thought.

Nevertheless he liked everything about joshua. the way he would often scrunch his nose and his lips curve up to the most beautiful smile ever and his hazelnut almond like eyes forms a doe eye like shape in the prettiest way possible, the way his soft brown locks fall on his forehead, not to forget his long fingers and  hands which fit perfectly  with Seokmin's.

How he opens the door and lets him walk in first, how he places Seokmin's plate before his own and how he listens to Seokmin's rambling for hours and concerns. Conversation was never a problem for them but that was when they were friends even though their two year age gap.

What changed now?

Seokmin was afraid.
As adorable as friends to lovers usually seem its not easy, you start thinking even before having a normal coversation.

he became afraid of things becoming awkward between them.

because as lovely as it sounds when friendship takes the place of love and then there is no space for love. maybe that held him back. but he didnt feel like this with Joshua truly, it felt like a new beginning with him, everytime they shared the smallest or briefest of kisses and hugs.

his whole existence felt at peace whenever he was with the older yet.........

Yet he pushed him away today, he feels stupid for doing that now.

Joshua made everything so much better.

And only if someone would tell Seokmin that he made everything so hella better for Joshua too.

while sipping on his honey tea, he honestly didn't want to be alone and as if some kind of planned robbery in the movie, the bell rang.

Seokmin flinched, why would Soonyoung ring the bell, he knows the passcode and so does Minghao.

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