Honey, Honey

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When Minghao woke up, the dorm was empty.

There was a small blue square of paper on the nightstand and a glass of water.

You looked tired last night. Enjoy a well-earned lie-in and rest up. We're not expecting you until midday.
-Jeonghannie Hyung :)

Minghao didn't get a chance to enjoy the note.

His pillow was damp.

In the past, all he'd had to do was call for his mother and she'd get him something sugary to eat. Usually, he'd get Junhui to grab him some food, but the dorm was empty.

Instead, Minghao forced himself to sit up, the world swirling wildly around him as he planted his feet on the floor and stood up.

He threatened to tip on his feet but stayed upright long enough to drag himself through to the kitchen.

Just before he reached the table, his legs gave out, worthless under his weight.

Slowly, Minghao dragged himself closer to the table, looking around for something to get his sugar up for long enough to call Seungcheol or Junhui.

Much to his luck, there was one thing out on the table.


Honey was a lifeline, packed with sweet sugar and perfect for getting his blood sugar up.

Minghao grabbed the container and squeezed a little honey into his mouth, wincing at the sweetness and struggling a little with how sticky it was.

There was only a tiny bit left, Minghao finished it all before getting back to his feet, only a little stronger than before, and grabbing his phone.

He dialled Seungcheol's number. The leader took longer than usual to pick up, but he answered in the end.

"Cheol... Please come back..." Minghao panted, back on the floor to preserve energy.

Minghao heard Seungcheol fumbling with the phone. "What's wrong, Hao? Did we scare you? I'm sorry, we just thought you needed more sleep."

Minghao rolled his eyes. "No, Hyung. It's a... It's a hypo. I woke up all sweaty and dizzy. I have low blood sugar."

Seungcheol gasped and fumbled with the phone again. "I'm coming back. Can you get some food?"

"I found some honey but there wasn't much left. I don't think I can stand..."

"Okay, Hao. Just hold on for ten minutes. You can do that for me, right, Hao?"

Minghao nodded. "Yeah..." His voice was weak, distant to his own ears.

He ended the call clumsily, missing the button a few times before hitting it.

Minghao wanted to get up and grab some snacks, but he knew he couldn't stand on his shaky legs and there wouldn't even be many snacks. Soonyoung will have raided the snack cupboard before practice.

Slowly, Minghao's vision began to fade, black taking over until he could see no more.


Seungcheol found Minghao ten minutes later, slumped against the side of his bed, unconscious and pale.

He grabbed Minghao's emergency glucagon shot and moved Minghao so he was lying down properly.

As gently as he could, he rolled up Minghao's sleeve and emptied the needle into his arm.

Once the needle had been thrown to the side, Seungcheol pulled Minghao up against his chest.

"It's okay, Hao. Just open your eyes and I'll get you something to eat." Seungcheol whispered, hand travelling up Minghao's back and gently playing with his hair.

It took seven minutes for Minghao to open his eyes, slow and groggy.

"Hey, Minghao. You passed out. I've got you now, we just need to get some more sugar in you. Can I go get you some snacks?"

Minghao nodded, although the movement was jerky and sluggish.

Seungcheol slipped out from under Minghao's body and made sure he was leaning comfortably against the bed before leaving to grab him a packet of sweets.

When Seungcheol was back with some sweets, he got the sleepy Minghao to sit in bed.

One thing that always happened after Minghao had a serious hypo was that he went all floppy and sleepy.

Seungcheol fed Minghao the sweets one by one until he regained a little colour and stopped shaking.

"There we go, Hao. Why don't you get some sleep for me? I'll keep an eye on you." Seungcheol whispered gently, getting Minghao to lie down and watching as he slowly fell asleep, tucked up in bed.

Seungcheol smiled and moved to dispose of the used glucagon shot properly, leaving a half-finished bag of sweets on his nightstand to prevent more issues.

He just hoped they could get to the cause of his hypoglycaemia quickly.

Hypoglycaemic MinghaoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora