XXII - Heartbeat

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There I was on a typical Saturday morning buying some groceries from the nearest store, when I heard some people mumbling about Daredevil and how he was spotted fighting someone the night before.

I tried to get closer to them to hear better what they were saying. They were only teens, so I assumed they were exaggerating or even lying about everything or most things. They said they saw him bleeding and looking miserably in an alley.

"You wish you saw Daredevil" I said to one of the kids trying to find out the truth.

"I wish I hadn't seen him like that. He looked really bad" he answered leaving me worried.

"Did you try to help him or call someone?" I asked as if Matt would ever let someone help him.

"I tried to, but he randomly disappeared. I hope he's okay, this city needs him"

"He is strong, I'm sure he's okay"

I smiled at the kids and tried to call Matt right after. He wouldn't pick up his phone which made me feel even worse so I tried to call Foggy next, who appeared to be on another phone call with someone as the call wasn't even ringing in the first place.

Whatever options I could possibly have, I only thought about one. I left all my groceries at the store, got in a taxi and went to Matt's place quickly. I needed to make sure he was fine.

"Hey" Matt hardly said after opening the door of his apartment. "You can come in"

"Are you okay?" I asked closing the door.

"Trying to"

"What happened?"

"Nothing much. Just- Been stabbed a few times. It hurts pretty badly" he said clearly in pain trying to smile.

"You need to go to a hospital"

"I can't. They'd find me there"

"Who are 'they'?"

"It doesn't really matter. Did you know about this or- Did you just miss me that much you had to come here to see me out of nowhere?"

"I swear you could be dying and you'd still be able to flirt with someone"

"Can't miss a chance, can I?"

"I heard some kids talking about you and how they saw you bleeding and in a really bad state"

"What are the chances of you being at the same place as them when they talked about me?"

"Everyone talks about you in Hell's Kitchen. Wait- Are you telling me this was a setup!?" I almost yelled afraid of the possibility.

"No! Sorry. Don't worry about that, that's not what I meant. Sorry. I know it's easy for everyone to panic thanks to my problems"

After everything I had been through and what Fisk did to Sarah, I couldn't help but have this defence mechanism. Everything seemed to be scary and something done or said to hurt me. I started thinking I was being followed again right away, but Matt reassured me none of that was happening.

"I am sorry. I've put you through hell during all that time and for some reason you're still here worried about me. I just realized I really don't deserve you, Ava"

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I spent the last five months proudly staying away from you, keeping myself quiet, thinking that you must've been a b- Bad person for kissing my best friend and"

"Oh come on, you're bring that up again?"

"No! I just- What I was trying to say was that I spent all these months trying to find a reason to hate you"

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now