III - Special Client

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Matt came back. I was so worried about him and he just acted like nothing had happened. As I was looking at him, I realized he was bleeding from his left eyebrow.

"Oh my god, Matt! You're bleeding!"

"Am I? I fell down the road. I'm so used to it it doesn't even hurt anymore"

For some reason felt like he was lying to me, but I wouldn't question it since it actually made sense and I didn't have enough confidence to do so.

"Where did you go? We could've helped you"

"It's not relevant and I didn't ask for help"

"It had to be important for you to leave the way you did" I said worried about him even though he was being a bit rude to me.

"It's personal. I came back because I like to keep my word. I promised I'd come back and here I am"

"I remember that. You didn't have to"

"Sorry I'm late for dinner. Maybe you want to sleep"

"Not if you're hungry. It can wait" I said absolutely exhausted.

This day didn't seem to have an end.

"Do you mind if I stay on the couch tonight?" He randomly asked while I was putting some slices of pizza in the microwave.

"Excuse me?"

"I'm not leaving you alone, sorry. You'll have to trust me"

"You keep asking me that. It's not that I don't trust you, but I am perfectly fine and I can take good care of myself, thank you very much"

"Your friends wanted us to do this and since I had promised I'd come back, I told Foggy I would stay. That's what I'm doing either you want it or not"

"My friends are always overreacting, you shouldn't listen"

"I agree with them and I'm not changing my mind"

"So what? You're gonna live here forever? You can't" I said in an angry tone.

"You're right, I can't. We'll find you another place tomorrow. End of discussion"

"You sound just like my dad"

As much as I wanted to act all brave and strong, it was true that I was terrified. I ended up agreeing and letting Matt stay on the couch.

Not sure how he'd help me if anything happened to me anyway, but it's still nice of him to be this protective specially since we pretty much just met.

"Thank you" I continued.

"No need to thank me"

"Do you protect all your clients like this?"

"Not all. Only special clients"

"I guess Foggy was telling the truth when he told them you were always trying to get all the girls, uh?"

"I'm sorry if that sounded wrong" he said blushing "you're more than a client. You're a friend now. I hope"

"I'm glad I'm good at making friends since I can't seem to have any luck with men"  I said giving a deep breath.

"I wasn't trying to friendzone you. If it makes you feel any better, I have no luck with women either"

It was hard to believe that a handsome polite man like him was still single. I could only wonder if people judged him much for the way he was physically. To me he's incredibly brave and inspiring doing his normal life like an ordinary person, which he is, but if I remember correctly, I considered myself ordinary too. So what's the real definition of ordinary? Truth is everyone is unique in their own special way.

Law of Attraction (Daredevil/Matt Murdock fanfic) • COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now