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Midoriya POV

It had just gotten dark those of us that weren't sick sat around a fire eating. It wasn't much of us. Todoroki, Kacchan, Iida, Asui, and me that's about it. 

We laughed at Todoroki who wasn't trying to be funny but was.

"What? What did I say?" He asked Kacchan who just shoved him away. I paused when I felt something get pressed against my head.

"Well well if it isn't the guys that killed our boss." A man growled behind me and I slowly put my hands up. I watched as his other guys walked up behind the others with guns at their heads.

"Your boss shot at us." I growled which only got me a hit in the face with a butt of a gun. I fell back just to be kicked in the face and stomach. I tried fighting back but that only got me more of a beating.

He rolled me over on my stomach and put a knee on my neck. Kacchan struggled also and got knocked out. Everyone else just listened. We all laid on the wet concrete with people on our backs holding us down.

"Now what's in the bus." The man growled and i started to panic.

"Nothing nothing. There's nothing in it." I said and the man scoffed.

"Check the bus." He growled and I started to struggle. I only got hit in the face with the gun again. 

They started dragging everyone out the bus. First Denki, then Kirishima. It took a second before Momo and Y/n and Ochaco were dragged out. I struggled more but stopped when Y/n got hit for trying to fight back.


I woke up when I was getting dragged out the bus. I was confused and thought something was wrong something was but not what I expected. I struggled against the man but only got hit and fell onto the concrete ground.

I fought more but he grabbed my broken wrist tightly making me scream. I stopped and he held my hands to the ground. My fever was bad and I was sweating and already exhausted from the struggling I just did.

"Y/n." I heard Midoriya whimper and I looked to the side and his nose was broken and he had a cut under his eye as it started to swell.

"Where y'all headed?" The man above Midoriya asked.

"No where we aren't going anywhere." Midoriya growled.

"You think I'm going to believe anything you say after you lied to me?" The man said and nodded over at the men that are standing over me and others.

I couldn't see what was happening but I heard shuffling.

"No No please don't." I heard Momo whimper and Todoroki tried to struggle but was hit upside the head. I heard a snap and she started screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Whoa pretty boy don't move." The man above Todoroki growled.

"You sure you guys aren't heading anywhere?" The guy above Midoriya asked again.

"Yes I'm sure now stop." Midoriya growled and the man laughed.

"You think you can kill our boss and get away untouched? No way." The man laughed as Bakugo woke up.

"You know what to do." The guy said and the man on me got up and sat on top of me. I heard Kiri whimpering in pain as the others just screamed.

The man on me ripped my shirt open and got his knife. I grabbed his hands but he hit my broken one on the bumper of the bus. The metal splint making a ding as I whimpered from the pain. He grabbed my throat holding me still as he pressed his knife against my stomach.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Midoriya yelled as the knife dug into my stomach. The guy started carving something and my brain just gave up. I was too sick and injured for this so my brain just turned off.

I didn't fight, didn't scream, hell I didn't even blink. I just laid there and looked at the stars.

Midoriya POV

I was pissed as I watch our sick friends get hurt. Ochaco was getting her nails ripped off. Kiri was getting a knife to his eye or at least that's what it looked like. Momo, Denki, and Y/n were getting something carved into them. Momos arm was broken.

The thing that had me worried was Y/n wasn't moving. She didn't make a sound. The guy that held me down leaned over me and got down to my ear.

"You're little girlfriend must be dead already. She hasn't moved at all." He growled and for a second this felt like when I lost my mom and something snapped.

I head butted the guy hard in the nose and he got off me. I got my knife and went to stab him. He grabbed my arm and twisted it making me drop the knife. He did the same to my other arm and held them together. He grinned at me and started laughing.

"What now hero?" He laughed and I glanced back at Y/n. Surviving this long taught me one thing. Humans can bite through almost anything. I lunged forward and bit down on the guy's throat. My teeth sinking in and I leaned back ripping his throat out. He let me go and I grabbed his gun.

I spit the flesh out my mouth and I turned around and shot the guy on Kacchan and Todoroki. The others that were attacking our friends ran off and I handed the gun to Kacchan. They both ran after them and Iida checked on the others. I glared at the guy that didn't run off. The one that hurt Y/n.

He hesitated but ran off. I ran after him and slammed my body into his into the bus. I stomped down on his shin braking it in half and i grabbed his hair and slammed his head into the bus multiple times until I heard a crack and blood was everywhere.

I huffed tired and ripped a piece of the guys shirt to wipe my mouth off.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now