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Midoriya POV

We had made it to a roof the next day and looked at the building that the guy said she was at. I grabbed the radio off the guy's uniform.

"Hello hello I'm assuming this line still works please respond over." I said and it was quiet for a second.

"This is Alice who's this?" A woman said on the other line.

"We're friends of a lady you picked up yesterday. We want to trade your guy for our girl." I said and we waited. The lady didn't respond.

"Either you respond or we'll show up at your door with a dead body." I said and the lady finally responded.

"Fine will trade your girl isn't much use." The girl said and I dragged the guy up.


I sat there bloodied. That bitch came back handcuffed me and beat me to hell and back.

I'm going to kill this bitch.

Soon tho she had came back and took me into the hallway. I saw my whole group. I smiled at them as she took the hand cuffs off. She pushed me to them and I growled looking back at her.

"Now my guy and the little girl." Alice said and I looked back.

"Excuse me?" I growled at her as Midoriya pushed the guy to her.

"The little girl doesn't belong out there. She'll stay here." The lady said and I scoffed.

"You're not touching her. She's just fine with us." I said pushing Emily behind me.

"No we need someone to replace you. Come on little girl." She said and I moved closer to Midoriya taking his gun out his hand slowly.

"Get any closer and watch what happens." I growled and the lady rolled her eyes. She walked over and reached a hand out for her.

I grabbed her by the throat and shot her from underneath her jaw. I let her body drop and I looked at everyone that was working in the abandoned hospital.

"Anyone else have a opinion?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"Good. Let's go." I growled and we left.

"So where are we?" I asked looking out a window.

"Closer then we were a few days ago." Midoriya said and i hummed.

"Good." I said and walked off deeper into the warehouse we were in. I sat on the window seal and looked at my hands. I heard footsteps and I looked up to Midoriya.

"What happened in there?" He asked as he stood next to me.

"Beat the shit out of that cop and she did the same to me." I said and he crouched down and gently held my chin and made me look at him.

"Looks bad." He said and I pushed his hand off me.

"It'll be fine." I said and he sighed.

"You didn't have to kill that lady." He said and I shook my head.

"Yes I did." I said and he just looked away.

"You ok to start moving?" He asked and I nodded.

We walked through the city quietly. We came up to a road that was filled with the dead. We all stopped and I grabbed my sister's hand.

"What do we do?" I whispered to Midoriya.

"Um I don't know. Turn around?" He said and I shook my head.

"We gotta get to the base." I whispered and Kiri nodded agreeing with me.

"Then I guess we try to quietly make it across." He whispered and I nodded. I stood and picked my sister up.

"You gotta be quiet ok." I whispered and she just hid in my shoulder.

Midoriya and his mom went first. They didn't have a problem. I picked up my cross bow and quickly ran across the road. We watched Kiri and Jirou cross and we kept moving.

We got to the outskirts of the city on the other side. We found a house and the boys went to make sure it's clear.

When it was we went in and my sister was already passed out.

I put her down in a bedroom and I sat on the side of the bed and kicked my shoes off.

The door opened and I looked up to the red head who's black roots were showing.

"Hey you want anything to eat?" He asked and I shook my head no.

"Ok if you need anything let me know I'm on watch." He said and I nodded.

He left and I looked back at my sister who was comfortable underneath the blankets.

I laid down and put the cross bow on my lap. It wasn't loaded I just wanted it close.

That morning

I had woken up early and walked outside. Kiri was still out on watch.

"Hey." I whispered getting his attention. He looked back at me.

"Good morning." He said with a bright smile. I took notice of his very sharp canines.

"You should go rest I'll take watch." I said and he shook his head.

"Nah I took a nap earlier I'm fine." He said and I hummed and sat on the first step.

"So you and Jirou you guys a thing?" I asked not looking at him.

"Hm oh no I'm um........I'm gay." He said.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know." I said and he chuckled.

"It's fine Y/n I haven't told any of you." He said and I stood. The conversation now a little awkward.

"Ok I'm going to go hunt." I said and walked away.

It took a hour for me to hunt down a deer.

I got back and started to skin it on the porch.

"There you are." Midoriya said walking out the house.

"What you need?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about staying here for a few days get some rest." He said and I nodded as I ripped the skin off. He sighed and crouched down.

"Y/n that means you too." He said reaching for the knife

"No I'm fine." I growled and continued skinning.

"You sure I can try my best to skin it." He said and I shook my head.

"No it's fine but I can teach you if you want." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah or that." He chuckled and sat next to me.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now