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When we got back everyone got fixed up. Aizawa actually got bit and had to get his leg amputated. He is doing just fine now tho.

I was watching Emily play with some toys. I was laying on the couch watching her. She was so cute as she tried to crawl around. I smiled at her as Midoriya came in the room.

He walked around her and moved my legs so he could sit down next to me. He put them on his lap.

"It's getting cold out there. Do we have any warm clothes for her?" He asked and I shrugged.

"Not sure Aizawa might have some old clothes from Eri." I said as he rubbed my legs.

"Oh yeah I didn't think about that. I'll have to ask him later." He said and I only nodded.

"My love are you alright?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I'm fine." I whispered. He only sighed and fixed my shirt.

"I have a feeling that you're not." He said and I glanced at his eyes that looked sweetly at me.

"She was ripped out my arms Midoriya. I couldn't do anything about it. It's the worst feeling in the world." I said and then I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled my face in the crook of his neck.

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you both." I whispered and he hugged me.

"You'll never lose us." He said and i smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Oh here I found you something." He said and dug in his pocket. I watched him and he pulled out a small chain necklace.

"For your ring so you don't get it all bloody again." He said and I took it.

"Thank you." I said and put my ring on it and put it on. I kissed his cheek and that's when Eri ran in the house.

"Guys guys." She said excitedly as she ran in the living room.

"What's up Eri where's your dads?" I asked as I got off Midoriya's lap. She was holding clothes in her hands.

"Dad is having a hard time so daddy is taking care of him. They said I can come over here and play but then I saw it was snowing outside and I got changed and daddy gave me some clothes for Emily." She explained and I took the clothes from her.

"Ok you two go outside I'll be out there in a second gotta get Emily dressed." I said as I stood and picked Emily up.

Eri ran outside and Izuku hurried and put his jacket on and catch up with her. I went upstairs and got dressed myself and then Emily.

I didn't plan on putting her in the snow but letting her see and hold some wouldn't hurt.

She didn't like the outfit but she couldn't take it off do to the little gloves I put on her. I picked her up and went outside. I shivered and walked to the stairs and I sat down on them.

I watched Eri and Izuku have a snow ball fight. I smiled at them and looked at Emily. She was confused by the snow in the air. Reaching her hands out to touch it as she sat in my lap against my stomach.

I grabbed a small handful of snow and held it in front of her. She slowly touched it and then started to play with it. Hitting my hand making snow go everywhere. I got some more snow and she just did the same thing as she screamed and made all kinds of noise. I smiled down at her and looked up at the other two.

My eyes met Izuku's who was looking at me lovingly. I smiled at him and then a snow ball hit him in the face. We all laughed and he went back to the snow ball fight.

Eventually I went back inside. I didn't want Emily outside for too long in the cold. So I brought her inside and got her a warm bottle. I made the other two something warm to eat as she drank her bottle. She could hold it on her own now and she liked doing so.

I peeked outside yelling for them to come in and they both ran inside. They laughed as they ran to the dining room. They ate their dinner and I was just waiting on Emily to finish her bottle.

"I'm going to give Emily a bath when she's done." I said and Midoriya nodded.

"Ok I'll take Eri home and thank Hizashi for the clothes." He said and i nodded as I picked up Emily.

"Bye Eri. You can come over tomorrow to play more if you want sweetie." I said and she smiled happily at me.

"I will." She said happily and i smiled and went upstairs.

I got Emily a change of clothes and started the bath. I made sure it was warm before I put her in it. I held her up as she played with her toys. The bath was just to warm her up not to actually wash her. So I just had to make sure she didn't fall in.

I watched as she happily played with her toys in the water. She is such a happy baby. She only cries when she needs something.

When she was done I got her out and dried her off. I brought her to the bedroom and got her dressed on the bed. She was squirming around and it was difficult. When I got her dressed I kissed her stomach and she laughed as I did so. I giggled and picked her up and started swaying to try and get her to sleep. That's when I noticed Midoriya at the door. He smiled at me as he walked over.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked and I smiled up at him.

"Not today." I giggled and he chuckled before kissing me softly.

"You're so good with her you know and Eri." He said and I looked down at Emily who was now asleep.

"I raised my sister because my mom couldn't sometimes. So I had some practice." I said and he hummed kissing my head.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now