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Years before the fall.
(Tw ⚠️)

I was at my boyfriends house. I had moved in with him a few years after my dad died. My mom was getting more hostile and I had to get out of there.

Now I didn't date much but when I did I was usually so in love almost nothing could make me leave.

Almost nothing

Me and him had our problems like everyone else. He wanted me to stay home make him breakfast and do his laundry stuff like that but I wanted to do something else with my life. I had a decent job at the cafe and I was going to college to be a nurse. I just started and at some point I wanted full custody of my sister so I had to get a good job.

But the only person that was supportive of my decisions was me.

I had been getting angry calls and text from my boyfriend all day while I was at school and work. Saying how I was supposed to be home and he had to make his own lunch.

When I got home late that night he had had enough.

I walked in tiredly and put my books and bag down on a side table by the couch. I looked up to my boyfriend angrily looking at me.

"Sorry babe I was studying late." I said smiling at him.

"I know." He growled and I noticed the bad energy coming from him. I looked at him confused.

"Is everything ok?" I asked and he scoffed.

"Everything is fine except you don't know how to be a proper girlfriend." He growled and I was confused and nervous at his tone. I played with my fingers. He stormed over and I backed up against the door. He punched a hole in the door right next to my head making me jump.

"I'm supposed to be your main priority." He growled in my face.

"But I." I said but I was slapped hard in the face.

"I'm supposed to be your main priority!" He yelled punching me in the face multiple times. I fell down the door and he started kicking me in the stomach and chest as he yelled at me.

I felt something crack and a sharp pain. I cried and coughed up blood. He crouched down and gripped my hair so I'd look at him.

"You are a disgrace. You'll never be good enough for anyone not even me! Sure as hell not your sister! No one will ever love you no matter how hard you try." He growled in my face as I cried.

"Pack your shit and get out of my face." He growled and walked away.

I cried shocked and in pain. I opened the door the best I could and I slowly got up. I stumbled to the car and i decided to drive myself to the hospital.

By the time I got there my clothes were covered in my own blood from me coughing. The good thing is they saw me right away and I had to be put into surgery.

When I woke up the doctor told me my cheek bone was cracked and I had a broken rib that stabbed into my lung. My lung was filled with blood when I got here.

The doctor got police involved and my boyfriend was arrested for domestic abuse and attempted murder.

His words stuck with me to the point I was acting out because I was frustrated. Getting drunk and into fights. I was banned out of every bar in my town within a year. Me and my moms relationship fell apart and I got kicked out of college. My job tho I new the owner and he gave me time off.

I stood at the window of the farm house watching Bakugo and Kirishima throw a ball back and forth. Kiri was so happy to have a hand again.

"Y/n?" I heard Midoriya say and I looked over my shoulder.

"Yeah?" I asked and looked back at the window. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I asked if you were hungry. Where did you go?" He asked putting his head on my shoulder.

"No where important." I whispered and turned around in his arms.

"If I mess something up somehow please just tell me." I whispered to him and he nodded.

"Of course I will what else would I do?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I don't know." I whispered and just leaned my head forward on his chest. I sighed hugging him and breathing in his scent. He hugged me back.

"Is there something you need to talk about?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No they're probably dead now so it doesn't matter one bit." I said and looked up at him.

"Besides your a different person and that's all that matters to me." I whispered and he smiled down at me.

"Come on let's go outside it's beautiful." I said and dragged him out the room.

We walked outside and sat on the chairs on the porch watching as everyone was doing their own thing. Momo and Todoroki are picking apples and Ochaco and Denki are playing with Roxy in the field.

"How long do you think this place will last?" I asked him.

"No idea hopefully for a while. Winter is bad but summer could be worse if we are stuck on the road." He explained and I just nodded.

"Yeah don't need anyone getting a heat stroke." I said crossing my arms.

"We need to keep that bus good on gas so we'd have at least somewhere to stay while on the road." He said and I nodded agreeing. He leaned over and patted my thigh.

"You hungry?" He said and I hesitated a second.

"Um yeah." I said and he smiled at me.

"Alright I'll go make you something." He said as he got up. He kissed my temple and walked back into the house.

I looked at the door and sighed.

This is going to be different.

A good different.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now