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We had moved him to the nurses office. I sat by his bedside putting pressure against Kirishima's stub. I was covered in his blood as I tried to make sure his fever didn't spike.

Midoriya kept watch as Denki went to get the power running with the others.

"How is he?" Midoriya asked and I shook my head.

"I'm not sure. I'm not a fucking doctor." I said and he chuckled.

"Do they have IV's here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No I already looked. But they do have syringes." I said and he nodded looking around in the desks and cabinets.

"Hopefully this will help." He said and I watched him. He crushed up some antibiotics and put it in a small cup of water he pored. He got a syringe and after he mixed it together he sucked it up.

"Ok." He said and I quickly moved and let him inject the drug into him.

"Do you want me to take over?" He asked and I looked at him.

"You don't care if you get bloody?" I asked him.

"Yeah I don't care." He said and I let go and he took my place.

"Thanks my hands were starting to hurt." I said shaking my hands.

"No problem. So why did you cut it off?" He asked as I tried to wipe the blood off my hands.

"Emily was bitten. On the way back to the farm i looked at her arm and her veins were black and coming from the bite so I just assumed. And the broadcast that came out during the fall. They said the bites are contagious." I explained and he nodded along as he pressed gauze to the stump.

"Oh yeah I remember that." He said and I nodded.

"I just hope he gets through this. I would feel so bad if he died." I said crossing my arms looking at him.

"Well the blood surely slowed a bit." He said and I got a idea.

"Oh oh what's his blood type?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Oh he has his wallet with him." He said and I was a little confused.

"Why?" I asked as I got his wallet out his pants the best I could.

"He has a picture of his mother in it." He said and I nodded.

I opened it and looked at his drivers license.

"It's AB+." I said and he hummed.

(It's not actually but it is in this story.)

"Mines O- I can give him blood." He said and I shook my head.

"Mines B+ I could give him some also. But I think it should be me. I got him distracted." I said and he shook his head.

"You just got over your hypothermia Y/n and it's already cold in here. I don't want you to get sick again." He said and I sighed. I shook my head and put Kiris wallet in my pocket.

"Here hold this I'll make a makeshift IV." He said and we switched places.

"How do you know how to do that?" I asked a little confused.

"I was in the hospital most the time during my time in the army. That's why I was honorably discharged. At the time we were learning gorilla warfare. In other words making things out of random shit. So I learned some cool stuff." He explained as I heard him shuffling around the room.

"That's cool I guess." I said keeping pressure on Kiris stump. He gently moved me aside. He poked the needle into Kirishima's vein on his upper arm since it was poking out because of the belt. He huffed and sat in the chair next to the bed. He handed me the needle. I just looked at him.

"Ok stick it right here." He said pointing at his forearm.

"Are you sure?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah oh wait." He said and he got his belt and handed it to me. I wrapped the belt around his bicep and tightened it. I waited until his veins were more noticeable. I hummed and ran a hand down his arm. I then got the needle and poked it in his skin. I taped it down with duck tape since that's all we had. I went to turn back to Kiri when he grabbed my hand.

"I'm sure he'll be grateful for your idea Y/n." He whispered running his thumb on my knuckles. I looked up in his eyes and saw the look he was giving me. I blushed in the dimly lit room and looked away.

"Yeah hopefully." I whispered putting pressure on Kirishima's stump.

That's when the power came on and we could see everything. It was a clean cut below his elbow a bit and it had stopped bleeding a lot. I took all the gauze off and really looked at it. It didn't have a infection so far so I decided to wrap it up properly.

I pored some alcohol onto some bandages and put them on the end and wrapped it in gauze. That's when Denki ran in.

"Ok power is working and Todroki is working on the heat now. Me and Momo are going to go get the others." He said and Midoriya nodded and he left.

"Fuck I forgot about Bakugo. I'm going to get my ass beat." I sighed putting a little pressure on the stump that was now nice and clean.

"He won't hit you. He isn't that kind of person." Midoriya said. I looked over to him.

"Then I might get a ear full." I giggled and he just shrugged.

I was putting a bandage on Midoriya's arm when Bakugo came running in.

"What the hell happened!" He yelled as he ran in.

"He's fine for the moment at least. He got bitten so to prevent the infection from spreading. I cut his arm off." I said nervously and he glared at me.

"You did this?" He said and I got scared but nodded.

I flinched when he hugged me despite the blood.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora