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I hummed as I was fishing at this little homestead we found

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I hummed as I was fishing at this little homestead we found. We have been here for a couple days.

My sister played along the river side with me. We knew how to survive off the land thanks to my late father. Thanks to him my sister knew how to listen to me.

She knew if I was serious to do exactly what I say and when I say it. It was under some unfortunate circumstances tho. Our mother had some kind of sickness. If she didn't take her meds she would lose it. My father knew how to take care of it so we would hide in our room.

After he past it was my responsibility to take care of them.


"I don't like fish." She wined and I sighed.

"Come now we don't have anything else eat it." I said and she sighed nibbling on it.

I smiled at her watching her not wanting it but hungry enough to eat it.

When we were done I quietly washed the dishes. The house has its own well and generator. I turn them off every night so no one knows we are here.

"Come on it's time for bed Emily." I said and she ran to the only bedroom in the house.

I put some things away and went to tuck her in.

I smiled at her as she got comfortable in bed. I sat on the side next to her.

"Sissy is this our new home?" She asked and I smiled pushing her hair out her face.

"I sure do hope so." I said and we both jumped at something hitting the window. When I heard the groans I knew what it was.

"Sissy." She wined. I sighed.

"Don't worry about it I'll take care of it. You go to sleep." I said and I turned the light off.

I closed the door to the room and got my crossbow and went outside.

I walked around the house and found one at the window. I shot a arrow at it and he fell to the ground. I tried not to get choked up but right now they were human only a few days ago. I got my arrow back and noticed all the animals running out the woods. It was odd deer, raccoons, squirrels all passing me.

Through the sounds of the night I heard a whole bunch of moaning. My eyes widened and I ran back into the house.

I quickly packed everything up and got the food we had left. I put the bag over my shoulder and got the guns. I grabbed some of Emily's things and ran into the room.

"Emily Emily." I said waking her up. She woke up and the moaning got louder.

"Come on now." I said and picked her up.

She started crying as I ran out the house. The rabid people were everywhere.

"Oh my god." I said and ran to the car. I put my sister down and patted my pockets looking for the keys.

"Fuck." I said as she clung to my leg. I broke the window with my elbow and opened the door.

"Get in now." I growled at her and she did so quickly the glass cutting her pj pants. She got in the passenger seat and I put everything in the back. When I was done I got in the driver's seat. I got underneath the wheel and tried to wire the car to start.

They surrounded the car making my sister cry more. One came through the window and pulled my hair. I growled and grabbed a peace of glass and stabbed them in the eye. They fell and I got the car started.

I pulled out and sped off.

"Sissy." Emily cried hard and I gave her my hand to hold.

We got to a small town two hours away when we ran out of gas. I sighed and looked at my sister. She looked at me not knowing what to do.

"Come on let's go find somewhere to rest ok." I said and I got out. I loaded my crossbow and got everything out the car. I walked around the car and took her hand.

"Now you need to listen to me and be quiet ok. Don't leave my side unless I say so." I told her and she nodded holding her teddy bear close.

We walked around the abandoned town. Not to long later we found a school. It was completely abandoned not a car in the parking lot.

We walked to the door and I quietly opened it.

"Stay close." I whispered to my sister as she walked in.

There wasn't any sound at all. I walked to a room and knocked. I didn't hear anything so I opened it and told my sister to stay in there.

I had checked the whole school and nothing was in here. I went in a janitors closet and found keys. I ran down the hallway to my sister.

"Hey it's ok nothing is here you can come out." I said and she did so.

"Come with me I'm going to lock this place up." I said and she followed me.

When we got done with that I looked in the rooms. I found a couch and dragged it into the hallway.

"Here you go sit down. I'll be right back." I said and she did so getting a coloring book from the pile of stuff I got.

I went outside getting some sticks and other things. I had hunted down a raccoon and I went back the the school.

I opened a door and kicked it open with a rock and I made a fire and skinned the raccoon and started cooking it.

My sister did come over to bother me but I didn't mind. We laughed as we ate. She didn't like it but she knew we didn't really have anything else.

"Thank you sissy." She said and I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"Anything for you little sis." I said and her smile got bigger.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now