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I sighed getting a bag and putting it on. It's been a few days and Emily got sick.

"Now stay here and do not go outside no matter what you hear outside ok." I said to my sister who listened to me intently.

"If something or someone comes in here and I'm not back hide in a class room and be quiet." I said sternly and she nodded.

"Ok I'll be back in a hour or two ok." I said getting my crossbow.

I smiled at her before I walked down the hallway and went out.


I searched half the town and I couldn't find anything hardly. I found some meds and other things now I just needed food.

Soon tho I came up on signs of life. Someone was here and their shoes were muddy. I followed them out a small store to a small business building.

I quietly walked in through the halls until I heard humming. I took a deep breath.

For Emily.

I turned the corner and aimed my crossbow at the curly green haired man who was eating a can of beans. I saw that he had a lot more food.

"Give me your food." I growled at him and he stopped eating.

"Excuse me?" He said and turned to me.

"Give me your food now!" I yelled at the man in front of me. He stood and I followed my crossbow at his head.

"Ma'am please if we could talk about this." He said putting his hands up.

"Hell No you have something I need. Now hand it over or I will shoot. I need it more then you do." I growled at him and he nodded.

I watched him put canned food in a bag. He slowly handed it over to me.

"Look I'm really sorry about this. I'm sure you'll do just fine." I said slowly backing away. I turned a corner and bolted down a messy hallway of what used to be a business building.

When out I looked around making sure I wasn't being followed and I walked down the road seeing a few of the rabid stumble out of a alley.

I sighed and aimed my crossbow at its head. I pulled the trigger and watched the arrow go through its head. I walked over and got the arrow back.

I made it back to the school and ran down the hall.

"Emily." I said when I got to the couch. I shook her awake.

"Hey I got you some medicine." I whispered as she woke up a bit. I got some medicine out and broke it in half. I gave it to her and some water and watched her take it. I smiled and got some food out the bag.

"Look what I got. Your favorite." I said getting a can out and showing her. She gasped excitedly.

"SpaghettiOs!" She said happily and she sat up. I pride it open with a knife and gave it to her.

"Be careful it's sharp." I said and opened something different for me.

When we were done I watched her draw a picture. I smiled softly at it as she drew a picture of our family.

"So that's what that was all about." A man's voice said and I quickly got up with the rifle this time.

"Whoa I'm unarmed." He said putting his hands up.

"I don't give a damn leave." I growled and he backed up a little.

"Look I just wanna talk." He said and I stepped forward.

"Dose it look like I wanna talk?" I growled as my sister coughed behind me.

"Look I don't want to hurt you. I'm the old sheriff of this town." He said and I looked him up and down.

"This town was peaceful for years because of me." He said and I scoffed.

"So people change. How can I believe you anyway." I growled and watched him pull out a badge from his pocket. He threw it over. I glanced at it on the floor. He sighed.

"Look this place was holding a group. A dangerous one that's why it's cleared out. If they come back you and your daughter will be dead." He said and I glanced at Emily.

"Not my daughter. Sister." I said and he hummed.

"I'm sorry just the age difference." He said and I sighed.

"What do you expect me to do then huh? She's sick." I growled at him.

"Come with me. That building has plenty of space and couches to sleep on." He said and I shook my head.

"Hell no." I growled and he sighed getting frustrated.

"I won't hurt you. Now it's safety in numbers." He said and I glanced at my sister.

"How can I trust you?" I asked and he sighed.

"When you took that from me." He said pointing at the bag.

"I had my hand gun in my back pocket. I could have killed you. Right now I could have snuck in like I did and killed you but I didn't." He explained and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"When we get there we'll both put our guns in a safe space." He said and my sister coughed harder.

"I have better medicine." He said and I put the gun down.

He got me there.

"What's your name?" I asked him defeated.

"Izuku Midoriya." He said and I sighed.

"Fine we'll go with you. I'm Y/n L/n and this is Emily my little sister." I said and he nodded.

"Do you need any help with your things?" He asked and I nodded.

"Emily get your stuff we're moving." I turned around and told her.

We followed him back to the building he was staying at.

Turns out that the building was a therapy building because a jail wasn't that far away.

He stayed in the back where the rooms were for appointments. I picked a room and he helped me put another couch in it.

My sister took a nap do to a fever. We sat in the hallway a pile of our guns in the middle.

"So do you dye your hair a lot?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"It's actually natural. My mom she's in the other room um she has dark green hair." He explained and I hummed.

"Oh that's a little strange." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah next thing we know we have super powers or something." He chuckled and I giggled at his joke.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now