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"Did you find anything?" I asked the blond that just got back from looking with the guys.

"We found a church but no sign of any people." He said and I sighed.

"Really nothing?" I asked him and he nodded. I sighed and he gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Are you sure you didn't find anything?" I asked him as I pulled away.

"Yeah I'm sure." He said and I let go of him. I turned away as he closed the door. My hand slipped down my face stressed.

"Will you go with me to look a little more?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Thanks." I whispered and went in the other room getting some things. I got her stuffed animal and put it in my bag. I put my back pack on and walked out.

He got his shotgun as I got my crossbow. We walked out.

We walked through the woods in silence.

We walked for a while before we had found a store.

We walked in quietly and looked around. I sighed when we found chip bags ripped open in a aisle.

"These are all her favorites. She had to be here." I said and we both jumped at something banging.

"It's ok it's stuck in a freezer." He said and I turned on my flashlight and walked over to it. I looked at it and I sighed starting to shake.

"It has fresh blood on it's mouth." I said and looked back at him.

"I-it has fresh blood on its mouth Bakugo." I whimpered at him and he sighed and walked over. He grabbed my waist and moved me back.

"You go get some food and whatever you can find. I'll take care of this." He said and gently pushed me aside. I sighed and went to do as he said.

I looked around the store and found a few things and put it in my bag. I heard him open the freezer and he killed it.

I turned the corner and saw a trail of blood. I followed it to the back office of the store and went in. It was completely trashed and I looked around. I gasped seeing something familiar and I picked it up. I ran out the office to the ash blond.

"This is her jacket." I said excitedly and opened it. He looked at the jacket and back at me.

"That's covered in blood." He said and I looked down at it. It was covered in blood.

I sighed my hands shaking again. My head went light in shock and I backed up into a shelf and fell on my ass as stuff fell on top of me.

"Uh Y/n." He said and got down to my level. He took the jacket out my hands.

"It's ok she's ok." He said and I shook my head.

"But it's all bloody." I whimpered and he huffed.

"There's no flesh on it and maybe it's from something else and she might have just dropped it." He said and I sniffed.

"But what if." I said and he cut me off with a hand over my mouth. We heard some groaning. We quickly got up and ran out the store.

We ran into the woods and looked back. I huffed and we made our way to the cabin. I dragged my crossbow behind me sadly.

When we got to the cabin he sighed and grabbed my crossbow from me. I smiled sadly at him as he opened the door. I walked in and went to the kitchen counter and put my bag on it. I started to get the can food out. My shaky hand dropped one on the floor.

I went to pick it up but Bakugo did instead. He put it on the counter and pulled me away from the counter by my waist.

"Go sit down." He said and I shook my head.

"No I can." I said and his red eyes glared at me and I did what I was told.

I sat on the couch. I sighed taking my shoes off. He came over and sat next to me.

"I'm sure she's just fine." He grumbled rubbing my shoulder.

"How do you know?" I asked him and he sighed. He put a arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"If she's anything like your stubborn tough ass. I'm sure she'll be fine." He said and I sighed sadly.

"But it's the end of the world. Those things are everywhere. She doesn't even have a weapon." I said and he sighed. He trailed his finger tips on my thigh.

"I'm sure she's fine. Look I'm going to be honest I'm not good at this comforting shit but I'm good at something else that'll make you forget about it." He said and I looked at him. I then remembered Kirishima liking him.

"Um I don't think that's a good idea." I said and he hummed.

"Come on a one time thing." He growled in my ear. I sighed.

"Only if you do something after." I said and he nodded.

"Ok what?" He said and I looked at him.

"Are you bi or something?" I asked him and he nodded slowly.

"Ok you have to give Kirishima a chance." I said and he sighed.

"Um no." He said and I got up.

"Ok then I'll go cry myself to sleep then and keep you up all night." I growled and he sighed.

"Fine I'll give the shitty haired idiot a chance. If you get your ass over here." He growled and I looked back at him. He had his arms on the back of the couch and his legs spread still in his military uniform. I sighed and walked over. I stood in between his legs and I sighed. He sat up and rubbed my sides.

"Or maybe we should go look again." I said and he sighed.

"It's dark out those things get more riled up at night there's nothing you could do right now without getting seriously injured again might I add." He said his hands slipping under my shirt. I grabbed his wrists.

"Yeah but." He cut me off.

"Look I'll make the deal sweeter. I'll flirt with the idiot and give him a chance and right when the sun comes up I'll take you to go look more out that way and look until the sun goes down." He said and I sighed.

"You promise?" I asked and he nodded curling his fingers into the top of my pants.

"Yes I promise I'll even wake you up myself." He said and I sighed.

"Ok." I whispered and he smirked. He put his head under my shirt and unbuttoned my pants. He kissed up my stomach as I straddled his lap and ran my hands in his hair.

The days after ( Zombie Apocalypse AU) (Izuku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now