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Chris and I were walking the red carpet with Bianca at the premiere of Avengers: Age of Ultron. I didn't tell Chris about my call with Kevin or anything. He knew they were bringing in someone to play a new character but no one had heard so when I went to the first cast meeting just to "tag along" with Chris and Jeremy that was when they all found out and shocked the hell out of everyone. Chris was so happy, I don't think with of us slept that night, he was that excited.

Now all the work, training, being away from the kids, it was all over and at an end and we would finally get to see it play out.

We brought Bianca with us since she was old enough to really deal with the cameras and the movie as well. She had never seen me on a big screen and begged to go with us. My assistant Steph was still with us and when Chris and I had to do pictures just with the cast or alone she stood with Bianca.

Chris and I were standing and doing interviews separately since now being in the movie together they wanted to talk to both of us. Chris was slightly ahead of me when I walked up to an interviewer.

"Rose! You look amazing tonight!" She said and I smiled.

"Thank you so much!" I said.

"So, I see you and Chris brought you daughter Bianca tonight. Is this her first movie premiere?" She asked and I nodded.

"It is she begged to come, and I knew it was a great movie, so she needed to see it. She has seen the movies with Chris and I when we watch them but now it's time to see mom kick some butt." I said and we both laughed.

"Is she going to see you beat up on Captain America in this movie?" She asked and I knew the Marvel rules, give away nothing. I just smiled and shrugged. Before she could ask another question, I felt hands on my shoulders, and I turned to see Jeremy.

"You were only a car behind us! What the heck?!" I asked and he laughed as we hugged.

"I know but I came to you to find my date." Jeremy said and I laughed as did the lady doing the interview.

"She is over there." I said and pointed to Bianca. Jeremy smiled and walked away. I just shook my head.

"So how does it feel being back? Not only being back but coming back in one of the biggest franchises in the world?" She asked.

"I wouldn't want it any other way. I am so grateful for Kevin and everyone at Marvel for giving me this opportunity. I hope I can make everyone happy with Scarlett Witch." I said and she smiled. Steph came over and started to move me along. I said my goodbyes, did a few more interviews and then met Chris back for cast photos. I stood next to him, and he placed his arm around me.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"I forgot what it was like to be one of the stars of the movie." I said and Chris smiled. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and I looked around for Bianca and saw her off to the side since I knew Jeremy was standing next to me on my other side. She saw me looking at her and stuck her tongue out at me. I smiled.

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