Lisa Arrives

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Jeremy had come by that morning to check on me, but I told him and provedto him I was fine and not having a mental break. He was upfront with me that Chris stayed in town and stayed at his place. I felt bad for throwing the pillow at him and hitting him in the face, but Bianca thought it was funny.

I told Jeremy flat out I didn't want to see Chris, I didn't want him around and I didn't want him to come to my house. Jeremy understood and said he would go relay the message.

Bianca and I were watching some tv when there was a knock on the door.

"Mama too many people have been here." Bianca groaned and I just huffed a laugh.

"So, if it's Mickey Mouse at the door should I tell him to go away?" I asked and she giggled. I walked to the door with a smile on my face which faded when I saw who was outside the door. I groaned opening the door.

"I should have known he would call you." I said opening the door and seeing Lisa.

"I'm here to talk to you, about him." Lisa said and I groaned.

"If you are here on his side or to justify what he did -..." I started to say, and Lisa shook her head.

"No hell! I'm here to let you complain about my son bash him with you." Lisa said. I laughed and moved aside so she could come in. I noticed she brought a small suitcase.

"Good luck getting a hotel, there is a huge skiing competition this week." I said. She groaned.

"Yeah, Chris said." Lisa said.

"Well, if this goes well, I have a spare room." I said and she smiled.

"Can we talk?" Lisa asked and I nodded. We walked into the living room.

"Bianca, this a friend of mine. This is Lisa, can you say hi?" I asked.

"Hi Lisa! You wanna watch Beauty and The Beast?!" She asked excited.

"Actually bumblebee, you watch. Me and Lisa are gonna be in the kitchen." I said and she smiled. Lisa and I walked into the kitchen, and she smiled at me.

"She is adorable." Lisa said and I smiled as I started a pot of coffee.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

"Why are you here exactly? I mean I know Chris called you." I said and she nodded.

"He did, he facetimed me this morning. He told me everything." Lisa said as we sat at the kitchen island so I could still see in the living room.

"Everything? Like just about Bianca everything?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No Rose, everything. The truth about the breakup and everything." Lisa said and I looked at her confused.

"What did he tell you about the breakup before?" I asked.

"That it was amicable. That you both wanted it since you had projects coming up and he got the Captain America gig." Lisa said and I scoffed.

"He would." I said and she smirked. I then sighed. "Sorry, I don't mean to bash your son in front of you." I said and Lisa laughed.

"No please bash away! That's the main reason I'm here. I'm here to have a mother-to-mother talk and bash Chris." Lisa said and I laughed.

"Lisa, I'm sorry. I know by keeping Bianca from him I kept her from all of you, but I thought it was the best thing. He broke me and my heart, I didn't want to put her through that with meeting him. I mean they have met now but she doesn't know it's her father. I don't even know how to broach that subject, she's 3." I said and Lisa nodded.

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