Making Plans

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Once Bianca and I got set up in the hotel room since no good flights were leaving for Tahoe and I didn't want a million layovers I just decided to stay in Georgia and check in a few days but there was no way I was telling Chris. I set Bianca up with a movie on the hotel TV and left the room to get us some drinks to get with the pizza we picked up for dinner. As I was standing at the vending machine I heard the elevator ding, and someone step off.

"Rose?" I heard someone say my name and I sighed knowing the voice, I turned to see Scarlett standing there.

"Hey." I said and she sighed.

"I thought you were staying with Chris at the rental house. He was so pumped you all were staying together." Scarlett said and I shook my head.

"No, Bianca and I are staying here until I can get a direct flight back home. Coming to Georgia with him was a mistake." I said and Scarlett sighed.

"What happened?"

"Scott showed up. Scott and I used to be 2 peas in a pod when I dated Chris before, but he is so against me now, especially now with Bianca that I couldn't stay in that toxic house with him there." I said.

"Does Chris know you left the house?" Scarlett asked and I looked at the floor. "ROSE!" She said and hit my arm.

"Ow...really?!" I asked.

"You're lucky it was a smack and not a punch. Come on you have to tell him where you are at least. You have his kid that you have already hidden from him for 3 years! Don't do this to him." Scarlett said and I groaned. I turned back to the vending machines and got 2 drinks for Bianca and I.

"I left her alone in the room. I better get back." I said and started to walk away.

"Just think about what I said please." Scarlett called out to my back. I unlocked the door and walked inside the room. Bianca was sitting on the bed watching the movie and I smiled seeing her. I set the drinks down and them grabbed her tablet.

"Hey, come to the bathroom with me." I said and she nodded. Once we were there, I shut the shower curtain and had her sit in front of the tub.

"You want to tell Dad good night?" I asked and she nodded. "You can't tell him where we are though okay?" I asked and she nodded again. I kissed her cheek since she was being so cool about all of this.

I knew her tablet had facetime calls, I made sure of that in case I was ever away and wanted to talk to her. I put in Chris's information and then hit call. He answered quickly. I stayed out of frame when I saw him answer.

"Bumblebee!" Chris said giving a sigh of relief.

"Daddy!" She exclaimed excitedly. Chris was clearly examining the background.

"Where are you baby girl? Where is your mom?" Chris asked. Bianca looked at me and I just shook my head. I heard Chris groan. "Rosebud, come on..." Chris said, and I got up and left the bathroom but left the door open.

"She isn't in the room daddy." Bianca said.

"Can you tell me where you are?" Chris asked.

"No, mommy said I can't." Bianca said and he groaned.

"Are you safe?" Chris asked and she nodded.

"Of course, we are." She giggled. I tuned out the rest of their conversation. I wasn't sure what was happening until Bianca was standing next to me holding the tablet.

"He wants to see you." Bianca said and I sighed. I made sure I was by a plan part of the wall and brought the iPad up to see me. He seemed to relax even more seeing me.

"Rosebud...please come back." Chris said and I just sighed.

"Scott around?" I asked and he looked somewhere in the house and then nodded.

"He is, I think we should all talk and work this out." Chris said.

"Nothing to work out, your brother thinks I'm a whore who sleeps around and can't guarantee that Bianca is even your child so why would I come back to that. I'm away, I'm safe and whenever you are done filming if you feel like you still want to be in our lives, then you know where to find me." I said.

"Damnit Rose stop! You kept me away and blocked me out for 3 years! Don't start that again! I want to see Bianca tomorrow. I want her at the house with me. I'm off, I have nothing to film so I want her with me." Chris said and I just sighed but nodded.

"Fine, I can bring her to you but it's just her. I won't be staying. I will figure out something to do but Chris, I don't want to be around Scott. I would prefer Bianca not be around Scott, but I don't have that choice, he is your family. You make that choice." I said.

We were both silent just looking at each other for a long moment and Chris finally sighed.

"Fine, what time for Bianca tomorrow?" Chris asked.

"When you want her?" I asked.

"11am. We can get lunch then hang out and play all day or watch movies or something." Chris said and I looked at Bianca who was smiling.

"She likes that idea. Then do you want to keep her overnight and I can pick her up the next day from set or something?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"That works out perfectly." Chris said and I sighed.

"Fine, I will bring her tomorrow to you at 11am." I said and Chris nodded. I ended the video chat then pulled my phone from my pocket, dialing a number.

"Hello?" Jeremy answered his phone.

"Hey, can you come to room 715, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Are you staying here?" He asked and I groaned.

"Yes, room 715 please." I said and he groaned while hanging up.

"Uncle Jeremy is on his way up!" I said and Bianca smiled. I got her set up with food. There was a knock on the door 5 minutes later and I opened it to Jeremy looking confused.

"Why are you here? You were staying at the rental..." Jeremy said, and I groaned.

"Scott showed up and some shit when down between him and I."

"Shit." Bianca said.

"Hey!" Jeremy and I both said looked at her and she pouted.

"Do you want to tell me, or should I just kill them both?" Jeremy asked and I shook my head.

"I was just stupid to think that everyone would accept this and be okay with it." I said and Jeremy pulled me into a hug and held me.

"So, what do you need me to do essentially?" Jeremy asked and I sighed.

"Take Bianca to Chris tomorrow by 11am..." I said.

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