Interviews, Errands & Instagram

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It was a few days after Scott left and news of Chris and I was going crazy. We were sitting on a small set doing an on slate of tv interviews about being back together, breaking the news the way we did, Bianca and of course the Gucci Guilty commercial. We knew this would happen, Mac and Joel also thought it would be a good idea to do the interviews.

I put my foot down and refused to let Bianca be a part of them. She didn't need these people she didn't know and would never know asking her questions. Jeremy was with us while we did the interviews and he kept Bianca entertained.

"So, Chris, with Rose being back together now and having a kid are you two just going to make it official. I mean it seems like you both have it all and that's all that's missing." The interviewer said and I put on a fake smile like I had the entire time we did these interviews.

"Well Rose and I were apart for 4 years, we may be together now, but we are just getting back into a groove of learn about each other and taking our time." Chris said.

"And you getting to know your daughter since she was kept away." The other interviewer said. I squeezed Chris's hand since that pissed me off. I was trying to hold back tears.

"You know what she was, but I don't blame Rose. If anything, I'm happy she did it that way. It gave Bianca a normal like and she wasn't in front of the camera. Now we can barely go anywhere without someone following us. Bianca and Rose got a life." Chris said and I just smiled at him.

"Well, I must say I know the world gave a sigh of relief when we saw you two together again. Everything seems normal again." The first interviewer said, and I smiled.

"It feels normal again." I said with a smile. They closed out the interview and I got up from the chair ripping the mic off when we were cleared.

"Rosebud..." Chris called after me and did the same thing with his mic. I went over to the table with bottles of water, and I took one trying to open it but I couldn't. Chris took it from me and opened it for me. He placed a hand on my cheek.

"You need to not let them get to you." Chris said.

"I have put up with 10 fucking interviewers all saying how I kept her away from you. I know I fucked up but damn!" I said and Chris sighed wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed mine around his midsection. I placed my forehead on his chest, and he sighed kissing the top of my head.

"Chris, Rose. We have 3 more interviews." Joel said coming over.

"Warn them now. No more comments about how they went missing for 4 years. It's not fucking right." Chris said and Joel nodded walking away. I looked up at Chris and smiled.

"Thank you, my big protector." I said and he smiled.

"Anything for you Rosebud. All for you and my bumblebee." Chris said leaning down and giving me a small kiss. "Oh, and I forget to tell you, I need you and Jeremy to take Bianca back to the house after this. I have an errand to run." Chris said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Excuse me? what kind of errand?" I asked.

"An errand." Chris said and I smiled shaking my hand.

"Fine, be mysterious." I said and he laughed. We walked hand in hand back to the interview chairs.

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I was sitting with Bianca watching a Disney movie when Chris walked in the house after a couple of hours.

"Hey you!" I said throwing my head back over the back of the couch and Chris leaned down and kissed me. I looked in his hands and noticed he only had a bag of food from McDonald's. "Hey, I thought you had an errand to run." I said and he smiled.

"I did, we will talk about it later. Let's eat dinner. Bumblebee, I got you a happy meal." Chris said and she moaned.

"Can I eat in here?" She asked and I nodded. He brought the food over, sat on the other side of Bianca and we sat as a typical American family, on the couch, watching an animated movie about a Beast and a girl together. Once the movie was over Bianca looked at me.

"Can we watch Uncle Robby's movie?" Bianca asked and I looked at her confused and looked at Chris.

"Iron man?" Chris asked and she nodded. I shrugged and let Chris make the choice. "Sure." Chris said and we played the movie. Bianca didn't even make it to the end of the movie before she fell sleep. Chris picked her up.

"I'll take her to bed. I'll be back down in a minute." Chris said and I nodded. He leaned down and gave me a small kiss and then I kissed Bianca's cheek.

"Good night bumblebee." I whispered and Chris headed upstairs.

After a few minutes Chris was coming into the bedroom, and I smiled at him.

"You got her changed and in bed?" I asked and he nodded. I was changed for bed wearing one of Chris's shirts and a pair of shorts. He walked over to me and gripped my waist.

"You want to see the errand I had to run today?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I do since you came home with no bags." I said and he smiled. He started to unbutton the shirt he had as I linked my fingers in the belt loops on his jeans and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"I swear Chris if you say sex was your errand I will sleep on the couch." I said and he laughed and shook his head. Once he unbuttoned his shirt, I saw the new tattoo over where his heart would be. It was a rose with a bumblebee landing on it.


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"Chris..." I said and looked up at him.

"You had your Bianca tattoo and I wanted one for both my girls." Chris said and he leaned down to passionately kiss me. He then pulled his cellphone out once we broke apart and showed me his latest Instagram post of which was a picture of the tattoo.

For my 🌹 & 🐝

"This is amazing Chris, you didn't have to do this." I said and he smiled.

"I love you, Rosebud." Chris said and I smiled. We finished getting ready for bed and once we crawled into bed, I straddled Chris's lap and he laughed.

"I want to show you how much." I said leaning down and kissing him.

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A after sex Chris fell right to sleep and I just sat there in bed starring at the ceiling for an hour. I sat up in bed and leaned against the headboard. I looked at my phone and sighed.

"It's time Rose." I said in a whisper to myself, and I downloaded the Instagram app. I walked through the set up and started posting some pictures. I started with a few baby pics of Bianca and then more recent ones of the 3 of us we had taken. I sent Chris a request to follow and everything. Once it was all set up and done, I felt at ease and went to sleep.

Morning seemed to come all too early, and I woke up to Chris kissing my cheek. I peeked one eye open, and Chris looked at me with a smile.

"Welcome to the world of Instagram." Chris said and we both laughed.

"I hope it wasn't a mistake..." I said and Chris pulled me close to him and we cuddled before Bianca got up.

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