Making A Call

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Jeremy had gone to check on Bianca and Rose. He offered to let me to go with him, but I knew it would be better if I stayed at his place. We came to the conclusion Jeremy would tell her I stayed in town but not with him, she would feel betrayed, and she needed Jeremy right now. I walked into his office with my laptop I had brought and called the one person I knew could probably help.

"Hey, I was wondering when I was going to hear from you. A text saying you were getting on a plane to go somewhere, and you would contact me later was very suspicious." Lisa said. My mom, Ma, my savior basically. Ma was who I called when I needed something and right now, I needed advice.

"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry but I'm safe. Does that help to know?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Yes, but where are you?" Lisa asked.

"Tahoe." I said.

"Tahoe? What is in Tahoe?!" Lisa asked.

"Rose Cedar." I said. I saw my mother's face make a couple different expressions. Her last one excited, she loved Rose, she hated it when we broke up.

"How did you find out Rose was in Tahoe? Why she is in Tahoe?" Lisa asked.

"Well remember the Gucci commercial I did?" I asked.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Rose is coming back to acting and this was her first gig back." I said and Lisa smiled. She was loving this story.

"So, she invite you back to her place?" Lisa asked and I shook my head.

"Not exactly." I said.

"Christopher...what is going on?" Lisa asked.

"Um...well...there is a lot I should tell you. The past 4 years have been a little crazy." I said.

"Christopher Roberts Evans you better tell me what is going on before I fly to Tahoe myself and beat you." Lisa said. I knew she was angry, the red tight face was proving she was.

"So, remember when Rose and I broke up and I told you it was a mutual decision because we both had projects we were working on, and schedules were getting too crazy?" I asked and she sighed but nodded.

"Yes, I didn't believe it since she didn't do anything afterwards." Lisa said.

"Right, well it wasn't a mutual break up and it wasn't amicable at all. I broke up with her because I got the Captain America movies and I didn't need her holding me back or waiting for me to finish or whatever." I said. I couldn't read my mother's expression, but I knew she was trying to kill me through the computer screen.

"Christopher..." She finally said pinching the bridge of her nose.

"There's I just found this part out and by complete accident." I said and Lisa moaned.


"She was pregnant, 3 months pregnant to be exact when she left me -..."

"When you broke up with her for the stupidest reason in the world." Lisa corrected. I groaned but nodded.

"Yeah that. She was going to tell me the same day I broke up with her but she let me talk first, so she didn't even bother." I explained.

"Well, what happened?" Lisa asked.

"You have a 3-year-old granddaughter names Bianca Christina Cedar." I said with a small smile and Lisa smiled but also sighed.

"She gave her the last name Cedar and not Evans?" Lisa asked.

"Yeah, she wrote about her decision in a journal she kept. She didn't want to give the baby my last night or list me as her father on the birth certificate knowing it could cause a stir. I mean she came to Tahoe to hide." I said and Lisa sighed.

"Was she alone?" Lisa asked and shook my head.

"No, she had Jeremy Renner." I said and Lisa smiled.

"He was always he good friend. Thank god she had someone. What about her family?" Lisa asked.

"Her mom and grandparents disowned her when she got pregnant." I said.

"So, who does she have Chris?" Lisa asked.

"Jeremy and Bianca." I said and Lisa groaned.

"So, is this why you were calling me? To tell me how bad you screwed up with her and she had a baby?" Lisa asked and I groaned.

"Well not exactly." I said and Lisa groaned.

"What else did you do?" Lisa asked.

"Well, I showed up and thinking her and I could have civilized conversation..." I started off and she sighed.

"Let me guess, your temper got the better of you?" Lisa asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, it did. I threatened her with joint custody and lawyers." I said and Lisa groaned yet again. I knew I was disappointing her.

"I don't even know if I want to claim you as my son right now." Lisa said.

"Ma..." I said.

"No Chris, you crossed a million lines with her know how do you plan on fixing it?" Lisa asked.

"Well, I don't think she is going to talk to me. Hell, I don't even know how her conversation is going with Jeremy this morning. I was hoping you could come and talk to her..." I said and Lisa looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you think I am going to do Chris?" Lisa asked.

"I don't know maybe talk to her mother to mother. I mean she doesn't have that. I'm not saying you have to take my side or talk me up to her -..." I  was saying.

"Christopher if you think I'm going to come to Tahoe, talk to Rose and talk you up you are sadly mistaken. I feel bad for her, she felt like she had to hide because of you." Lisa said.

"Can you please come and just talk to her mom to mom?" I asked and Lisa sighed.

"I'll book a fight. Get me the address of where I am going." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Thank you, Ma. I owe you." I said.

"You owe me a lot Christopher." Lisa said and hung up. I closed the laptop and sighed.

My Ma and Rose were like 2 peas in a pod when I was dating her. Ma loved Rose and when I started talking about my future with Rose to my Ma, she was so excited to have Rose as a daughter in law and have her be an Evans.

Now here I was running to my Ma asking her for help, she was the only one who I could think could get me out of this mess.

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