I Do Not Accept

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Jeremy had since brought me clothes and I changed into sweatpants, t-shirt and tennis shoes. I was sitting with Chris on the small couch in the room they put Bianca in since they determined she had a middle ear infection, but they couldn't keep her temperature from constantly spiking. I had my head on his shoulder and was sleeping. Chris's head was resting on mine when there was a small knock on the door and Scott walked in carrying a food bag.

"Hey." Scott said and Chris sat up, which woke me up.

"Scott..." I said and he didn't even answer me. Chris groaned.

"Can you two just not?" Chris asked and I just shrugged.

"I brought some hamburgers." Scott said and Chris smiled. He took the bag, and I was about to take my food when a nurse came walking in.

"Miss Cedar..." She said and walked over to me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"There seems to be an issue with the insurance." She said and I groaned standing up.

"You need me?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'll get it figured out. I'll be right back." I said. Before I could leave Chris grabbed my hands and pulled me down to him giving me a small kiss. I smiled, walked over and kissed Bianca's forehead and walked out.


"I don't know why you are still here if her mother is here now." Scott said and I looked at him annoyed.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I asked.

"I just don't know what is going on. Ma told me you had a kid, I came to see it for myself and yeah, she looks a little like you but how can you trust Rose? I mean she left you while she was pregnant." Scott said and I groaned.

"I know that's what I lead everyone to believe. That we broke up mutually, but we didn't Scott. I think you need to know the truth." I said and Scott just looked at me confused.

I went on to explain how I broke up with Rose when the Captain America role happened, and she never got the chance to tell me she was pregnant. This was not on her for running and hiding, she only did what she thought she had to do. I explained how Jeremy wasn't Bianca's father but was a big help to Rose and was always there to help her.

"So, there is never a doubt in your mind?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"Never Scott, timeline matches, and everything works out to her being mine. If you would stop being a stubborn jackass and really look at the situation, you would see it too." I said and Scott looked between Bianca and I a few times and scoffed.

"She really is yours." Scott said matter of factly to himself and I smiled with a nod.

"She is mine. Rose is mine and they are my family. You need to make this right with Rose." I said and Scott nodded.

"I will." Scott said.

"Now, Scott." I said and he sighed leaving the room.


I was leaving the nurses station after called the insurance company and finding out what the issue was. Something so stupid and I was so over it. I just wanted my kid better and wanted to get out of here. As I was walking back to the room, I saw Scott standing outside the room in the hallway and I sighed.

"Everything okay in there?" I asked and he nodded.

"Actually, I was wondering if we could talk." Scott said and I shook my head.

"No, not if you are going to call me a slut, whore or whatever else you have come up with." I said crossing my arms.

"No, listen, I talked to Chris, he told me what happened." Scott said.

"So now you believe she is his daughter? Just because your brother said it even though it was what I said?" I asked.

"Rose, I don't want to fight anymore okay. Chris screwed up, I thought I was protecting him when in reality I was attacking the wrong person when I came after you. I should have been going after him. I know it may not mean much now but I want to tell you I'm sorry. I never should have jumped to conclusions." Scott said and I just shook my head in disbelief.

"So, let me get this straight, you think a few kind words saying what you should have done make up for the way you have acted since you got into town? You think I should accept you apology like nothing happened and we can all be happy again?" I asked. Scott just looked at the floor.

"I was hoping that -..." Scott said.

"Thank you for apologizing but I don't accept it." I said and walked into Bianca's room leaving Scott stunned in the hallway.

I went back to where I had been sitting beside Chris and he just looked at me seeing me tense. He passed me food to eat, and I pushed it away.

"I lost my appetite." I said and Chris groaned.

"What happened? Is it the insurance? I mean I can pay for this if it is." Chris said and I huffed a laugh.

"No, it's not the insurance. Your brother thinking a simple apology for how he treated me and what he said to me. I'm sorry Chris but he hurt me, and I can't really just accept it right now." I said and Chris sighed and saw Scott walk in the room and sat on the opposite side of the room just looked at Bianca lying in the bed.

After a while Chris sighed and leaned into my ear.

"Rosebud, please eat something." Chris said and I sighed as he handed me a cheeseburger. I took a few bites, as I was about to finish Bianca started whimpering.

"Mama...." She whimpered and I got up quickly and I knew what she wanted so I moved her over and got into bed with her, to cuddle her. I felt her forehead and sighed.

"Chris get the doctor, she is burning up." I said. Chris went to stand up but Scott stood up first.

"I got it, go sit with her Chris." Scott said and left the room. Chris came closer to the bed.

"He is trying." Chris said.

"He can try harder to not be an ass." I said and Chris groaned.

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