Part 11: Alone time

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We sat down at the bar and Neymar and I started ordering drinks, we also soon saw (once we got drunk) that they we're starting couples party games. Neymar and I both looked at each other at the same time.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Neymar said grinning.

"Hell yes I am." I said grinning back.

Dani rounded 3 pairs up: Pique and Shakira-team 1, Messi and Antonella-team 2, and Neymar and me-team 3. He began to explain the rules: He would assign each team a color (1-red, 2-green, and 3-blue) and one person would be blindfolded and the other person had to  tell them where to go to find the color cups (3 cups) that was their team color.

"3,2,1 GO!" Dani yelled

Ney was blindfolded.

"Go left more, more, more stop! Bend down and reach right at your feet."

"Got it!" He yelled

"Turn around and walk straight."

He made it to me and we successfully got our first cup.

Now turn right and then walk straight."

"Nice!  2 down 1 to go ok?"


"Turn left then walk straight until I say stop... STOP! Now turn straight forward and grab right at your feet."

"YES!" He yelled.


He brought the cup over and ripped of his blindfold. "DANI, WE DID IT WE WON WE WON."

Everyone else heard and stopped. I hugged Neymar and squealed in to his arms.

"Good job guys." Leo said, winking at Neymar.

"Nice job you two." Shakira said.

After we resumed our regular party activities and we all agreed it was time do cake for Dani's mom.

Dani brought out the cake and we all began singing.

🎵Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birth day dear Dona, Happy birthday to you!🎵

After we all ate cake Marc had to drive Neymar and I home because we we're both to drunk.

"Bye guys." Marc waved while calling a driver to pick him up.

We walked in the house but both agreed we didn't want to sleep.

"Wait come with me." Neymar said giggling like a kid on Christmas. H grabbed my hand and led me onto a balcony with a perfect view of Barcelona.

"Lets play a game." Neymar said to me snapping me out of my hypnosis.

"We ask each other questions and HAVE to answer truthfully."

"Ok, me first."

"If you could be anyone you wanted for a day who would you be?"

"I don't know maybe like... Leo"

"Holy shi-"

"Anyways, If you could live anywhere where would it be?" He asked staring out at the city then looking back at me.

"Brazil or Germany."

"Ahh, Brazil."

"Do you ever wish you didn't become a football player?"

"All the time, I love my sport but the pressure of people counting on me and watching me sucks sometimes."

"Damn." I dropped my head feeling bad for him.

"Ooh this is a good one, who is your favorite person?"

"Mmmmm, I don't know maybe... Shakira." You said sarcastically.

"I said you have to tell the truth remember?"

"Fine, it's you." You said locking eyes with him.

"Do you really mean that?" He said biting his lip and leaning closer to me.

"You said no lying right." I leaned forward as well.

We we're so close, I could feel his eyes scan every inch of my body. His breath brushed my cheek and I looked him in the eyes.

"I can't wait any longer, I feel like I shouldn't want you... like I should stay away. But... I need you, I think about you all the time." I said hungrily.

"It's so perfect to here you say that, it turns me on so bad."

"Kiss me then." You said noticing his bulge.

He smashed his lips into mine and fought my tongue with his. I wanted it as bad as he did, moaning into his mouth as he pulled my body closer to his. I could feel passion and warmth emanating through is body and it only mad me kiss back harder. He hungrily navigated my lips, biting my lip before taking a breath after what felt like a minute of the best kiss I had ever had.

He picked me up and brought me to his bedroom, throwing his shirt of as he put me down. He pushed me into the door after closing it to continue our passionate yet sloppy kiss. I trailed my hand down his chest and onto his member, rubbing it through his pants.

He groaned into my mouth, kissing me even harder as I continued to massage. I took of my dress and felt Neymar pull me to the bed, pinning me under him after he took his pants of and was in only his boxers.

"Do you want it?" He said breathing heavily. I nodded and he started grinding himself on me, making me let out a small moan. He removed my bra and trailed sloppy kisses from my neck to my part. He took of my panties and began licking and sucking, I could tell he was waiting a long time for this.

"Oh- Ney" I moaned making him smile and keep going, this time rubbing with his fingers. He finally took of his boxers and entered me making both of us moan. He started deep making me take a deep breath. "Mmm" I whispered biting my lip.

He began kissing me again while stroking faster, it felt so good to have him inside of me. I grabbed the back of his neck while he sped up, hearing him groan into my mouth. He slowed back down to deep strokes. "I'm gonna cum." He heard this and sped back up. "Do it." He said looking me deep into my eyes.  I came as he pulled out and saw him too seconds after. We laid down next to each other and cuddled, eventually falling asleep in each others warmth

Sex didn't feel only like sex with him, it felt like a connection, like something special. The first time I thought I was just convincing my self but now I was sure. I love this man, his smile, his eyes, his voice, the way he makes me feel, whenever he gets jealous and does that cute little pout. 

I. Love. Him.

I wasn't used when I was with Neymar. I felt like I was part of something, something special.



Love Ya❤️

Bye lovelies

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