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Amethyst stared out the window at the dark clouds that filled the sky. Rain hadn't started to pour yet, but she was certain it was only a matter of time. And she really didn't want to have to fight it when she carried her stuff into her new dorm room.

"It's not too late to turn back." Her dad said from the driver's seat, much more anxious than his daughter was. "I'm sure there's a private school or something close to home."

Amethyst shook her head. "I already checked. None of them interest me." She leaned her head against the window. "And I've been trying to get into this school for years now."

Her dad sighed, nodding his head. "I know, I know. This is just a lot to take in."

Amethyst had to agree with that. The mist began to grow thicker as they approached their destination. She hadn't even stepped out of the car and there was already a chill running down her spine. The open fields around them seemed empty, but she couldn't help but feel as if she was being watched.

"Guess it lives up to its name..." Her dad said, driving slower as he struggled to see against the mist. "I've never seen so much mist. Autumn has only just started."

It was strange, but Amethyst did her best to shrug it off. The school had to get its name from somewhere after all. Just as she was about to check the GPS to find out how much longer their drive would be, the dark spikes of the tallest part of the school poked out just above the mist, standing out against the dark clouds.

Amethyst had to smile. She had been working so hard for this. Nothing at her old schools had ever satisfied her craving for knowledge or cured her need for more learning. Now it was finally time for her to take the next step into her future. She would be a senior at Misty Creek. She had finally reached her goal.

"Oh my..." Her dad said as he drove through the open gates, where other cars holding more students were. "You're really sure about this?"

"Of course I am." Amethyst replied, gazing at the dark stone walls of the school. She had done a lot of research about the school's history itself besides just trying to get into it. The fact that it was once a castle years and years ago had immediately caught her attention, which led to her also reasearching the village that once surrounded it.

It was once home to hundreds of witches who are said to have caused the mist. The mystery of it all was another reason why Amethyst was so excited to be accepted into the school.  She had never experienced anything quite like this place. The city she came from had its urban legends of course, but nothing quite like Misty Creek.

Once her dad pulled up to the section of the once castle that had been turned into the dorms for the girls, Amethyst was hopping out of the car and gazing up at the building.

Her dad looked nervous as he stepped out and opened the trunk of the car. "Do you need help finding your room? And carrying your bags?"

Amethyst giggled a bit, swinging a duffel bag over her shoulder as her dad lifted one of her suitcases out. "I'll be alright, Dad. It's also all girls so y'know."

"I know, I know." He sighed as he lifted out her second suitcase. "I just don't want to let go yet."

Amethyst smiled, pulling her dad in for a tight hug. "I'll call you everyday. And I promise I won't get into any trouble."

"I know you won't." Her dad said, squeezing her tightly. "I love you. Be safe."

"I love you too." Amethyst said, excitedly grabbing her two suitcases and facing the school.

In the car beside her dad's, two other girls stepped out from the backseat. They were silent as their mother opened the trunk for them, looking down at them in worry.

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