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Two Weeks Later

"You kept these?" Kerri said in embarrassment, looking down at the book that was laid out on her mother's desk. "Mama-"

"Of course I kept them, they're from some of the happiest days of my life." Sasha said defensively, gently stroking the small black feathers with her finger. During the cleanup, she had found Kerri's baby book, and was finally showing it to her. "Other moms keep the hair from their baby's first haircut, so I kept the baby feathers you shed."

"Those are fine, but did you have to keep the eggshells?" Kerri asked, looking down at the broken pieces from the egg she had hatched out of.

"Yes. Absolutely yes." Sasha smiled, flipping through the other pages thst were filled with pictures of Kerri as a baby raven. "All the other teachers told me I was insane for treating a bird like my child, but I knew you were special."

Kerri looked down at the pictures, watching her mother flip through the pages. "This was the first little present you brought me." Sasha smiled when she saw the flower that had been pressed to preserve it. "When I let you fly outside on your own for the first time."

Kerri smiled a little, tracing a careful finger over the flower. "I'm surprised you ever let me outside on my own."

"I am too." Sasha said, gazing down at the stuff in the book one more time before she closed it. "I'm going to keep this somewhere safer this time. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to it. Or those little feathers."

"I have plently of feathers, mama. You'll always have more." Kerri laughed a little.

"But they aren't your baby feathers." Sasha protested, placing the baby book on her personal bookshelf.

Kerri leaned against the glass window, gazing outside. The sun was shining brightly, and there wasn't a hint of mist anywhere. "I think I'm gonna go find Bosco and Jasmine. They went outside earlier."

"Go ahead. Just don't wait till the last minute to finish your homework." Sasha reminded her.

"Of course, mama. I can't get away with that with you." Kerri smiled a little before feathers sprouted from her skin and she was back in her raven form in an instant. She flew out the open library door and soared up the stairs to get to her little short cut in the dorm unit.

She passed by the open door to the twins' room. Inside, Sugar was curled up on her bed and snuggled against Jax's side. Both girls had been exhausted after staying up all night to study for an upcoming test and had been asleep for most of the morning.

"Everything's been good, mama. I promise." Spice said, holding her phone in one hand and draping a blanket over the two girls with the other. "And Sugar is sleeping. She was up late studying."

"...You're positive everything is okay?" Isabelle asked, sounding unsure. This was the first time in a long time she had heard Spice speak so clearly and on her own. It was like something had switched. "No issues at all?"

"None." Spice sat cross legged on her bed, brushing out a doll's hair as she talked to her mother. She wouldn't dare tell her about all that had happened. That would be too much. But she could tell her about some things. "Sugar and I made some new friends."

She could hear her mother almost choke on the other side of the phone. "Wait, what?" She asked. "You did?"

Spice looked over at her sister, smiling a little when seeing how content she was with Jax. "We did. They're really nice, and one of them is going to come help me with my work."

"That's amazing, Spice. Really." Isabelle said, and Spice could hear the smile in her voice. "I'm so proud of both you and Sugar."

Spice beamed, turning when she heard the door open fully. Loosey stood in the doorway, her bag hanging over her shoulder and a fond look on her face. "Hey sweetie, you ready to start?"

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