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Marcia didn't even bother to go to her room that night. She went straight to Anetra's. The other girl hadn't been at dinner, so Marcia figured she was probably spending time at the graveyard like she usually did. But when she nudged the door open, she found her at her desk.

Anetra was busy working on an essay, already having changed out of her uniform and sitting cross legged in her desk chair. She glanced back to see the blonde before focusing on her paper again. "You think Miss Colby would be offended if I told her I don't care for anything by Shakespeare?"

Marcia smiled a little, taking her own book out of her bag. "Maybe. I prefer The Great Gatsby."

"Love that one." Anetra said, continuing to write. They settled into a comfortable silence. Marcia sat at the end of Anetra's bed, her book resting in her lap. She liked this room a lot more than her own. It felt safe in here. Anetra made her feel safe. Which was very surprising, because she seemed so intimidating and scary the first time they met.

Jax soon joined them in the room, and eventually she was followed by Aura, who groaned as she pulled out piles of papers she had to finish before the end of the week.

Anetra shook her head when she saw the pile on the girl's desk. "I told you to keep up on your work instead of daydreaming about that Amethyst girl."

"Oh fuck off-" Aura huffed, making Anetra laugh. Marcia gazed at her from where she sat on the bed. The sound of her laugh made her heart skip a beat.

It was when the sun started to set that Marcia became uneasy. She felt as if the twins were angry with her and feared they might try coming after her again. She fidgeted with the pages of the book in her hand, biting her lip and trying to reassure herself that she'd be fine.

When she laid back after setting her book back into her bag, the bed dipped beside her. Anetra studied her with a tilted head, the emotion in her eyes unreadable. "Are you alright?" She asked. "You still seem a little jumpy."

Marcia tried to hide the blush that spread across her face when Anetra moved closer. "I-I'm fine, I'm just...worried they might be mad. And might try to do something again..."

Anetra nodded in understanding, leaning back against the headboard of her bed. "They won't mess with you again." She said, her tone carrying a hint of protectiveness. "I know that for a fact."

The way she said it did something to Marcia. She blushed even more, shyly holding up her hand with her pinky finger out. "You promise...?"

Anetra looked down at her hand. She cracked a small smile, lifting her hand and hooking her pinky finger with Marcia's. "I promise."

Marcia smiled, feeling a little more at ease at the gesture and sound of those words. She was about to lay down until a hand was placed on her waist. She squeaked, eyes wide when Anetra pulled her closer and almost up on top of her.

Anetra laid a gentle arm over her waist, reaching out for the blanket that she pulled over the both of them. Marcia felt as if her face was on fire. The close contact made her heart race in her chest, and before she could even process it, she was laying her head against Anetra's chest and draping an arm over her shoulder.

The taller girl stared ahead out the window, absentmindedly running a gentle hand through Marcia's hair. "You're safe." She promised her. "I've got you."

Marcia gazed up at her, giving into the temptation to snuggle closer to her. She closed her eyes, not able to remember the last time she had felt this protected and safe. "I trust you."

Anetra hummed softly, continuing to soothe her by playing with her hair. She wasn't the type to show affection very often, so her doing this was a completely unknown occurrence. Marcia had to have been special to get this side of her out.

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