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Sasha groaned, her head pounding as she opened her eyes. A dark mist swirled around her, flooding her senses and making her dizzy. The energy wafting from it was heavy and powerful, but not in the way it should be.

She stumbled forward, trying to make sense of what was happening. She sunk into mud with every step, and that told her exactly where she was.

The creek.

There was a high pitched ringing in her ears, making her even more dizzy. She held a hand up to her head as she stumbled, squinting as she tried to make out a figure in the distance. As she drew closer, she could see the faded outline of a girl. A girl who stood frozen in fear at the sight around her. Sasha approached as quickly as she could, the force from the energy around her almost making her fall to the ground. Her eyes went wide when the girl turned and she was able to see who it was.


"I don't know what I did wrong!" She screamed, looking horrified with the scene around her. "I did everything right!"

Sasha stared at her in fear, trying to get closer to her to help her gain control of the energy around them. But Irene remained out of reach, her body trembling in fear. Sasha called out her name, but she didn't seem to hear. She just frantically flipped through the pages of a book, the mist around her growing.

"Miss Colby!"

Sasha gasped, snapping back to reality. She was standing in front of the board in the front of the classroom, turning around to face her students who were watching her in confusion.

"Are you okay?" Salina spoke up, having been the one to call out for her. "You kinda just stopped talking..."

Sasha's heart was pounding in her chest. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She glanced up at the clock on the wall. There was only fifteen minutes left. She needed to take time to gather her thoughts.

"Class dismissed early today." She said quietly, avoiding Salina's question and not turning to the side of the room Irene was on at all. She didn't know what exactly she had just seen, but she knew she needed to try to prevent whatever it was.

The students were confused, but they weren't going to complain about extra free time before their next class. Amethyst stood up from her desk, about to follow Aura until Jonbers grabbed onto her.

"You won't believe what Sminty and Le Fil found." She said excitedly, holding her phone in her free hand.

While Amethyst would've liked to stick with Aura and enjoy more of the girl's cheesy flirting, her curiosity about what her new friends might've found got the best of her. "What is it?" She asked, tilting her head.

Before Jonbers could blurt it out so everyone could hear, Peppa quickly covered her mouth. "They think they found the entrance to the castle dungeons."

Amethyst's eyes went wide. Those were something else she had learned about while researching the school. She had to look deep for it, using websites she didn't even know existed. No students had ever found them before, and most started to doubt they existed. "You mean where the..."

"The witches were taken." Aura chimed in on the conversation as she followed them out of the classroom door.

The three girls froze, turning to look back at her. "You know about them too?" Amethyst asked. She wasn't complaining. She would be more than happy to bring the other girl along.

"Anetra knows almost everything about the witches." Aura shrugged, looking nervous when the walls around them let out a strange creek. She lowered her voice. "I guess that's what the dead people she talks to are. But she doesn't even think the dungeons are real. Says they haven't ever spoken about them."

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