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Amethyst paced in the bathroom, waiting for Peppa and Jonbers to join her after she had sent them a ton of panicked texts. Her guilt was starting to rapidly grow, and all she could think about was what might've been happening to Aura.

She hated herself for being so stupid. She never should've gone down there and she never should've had Aura go with her. It was her fault that she was trapped down there, and the more she told herself that, the more tears started to fill her eyes.

"What happened?" Peppa asked when she opened the door after leaving her class. "...Why do you look like you're about to burst into tears?"

Amethyst couldn't stop the words from spilling out. "A-Aura is gone..." She whimpered.

"Aura is gone?" Jonbers asked loudly when she entered the bathroom. Peppa slapped a hand over her mouth, pulling her in all the way.

"What do you mean Aura is gone?" Peppa asked in a much quieter tone than her girlfriend's. "What did you do?"

Amethyst's tears started to spill. "I-I...I wanted to go back to the dungeons after a dream I had and I know it sounds stupid and insane but I could've sworn that I heard something calling out for me so I went back and Aura went with me and-"

"Woah, slow down." Peppa laid her hands on Amethyst's shoulders. "You like, went down there?"

Amethyst sniffled, nodding and wrapping her arms around herself. "M-Mhm. Lots of scary things are down there and when we tried c-coming back up s-something followed us and grabbed Aura a-and-"

"Kept her down there...?" Jonbers finished for her when her words started to become quick and blurred together.

Amethyst looked down in shame. "Y-Yeah..." She whispered. "I couldn't get the door to open again, and now I don't know what to do..."

Peppa stared at her in horror, shaking her head and grabbing her hand. "We need to keep trying to get it open-" She said, dragging both Amethyst and Jonbers out of the bathroom. "I knew there was something off about it. I knew going down there was a bad idea."

Amethyst bit her lip, trying to stop more tears from spilling down her face. She felt awful. "I didn't know something like that would happen..."

"I did." Peppa said, the shadows around them growing larger as they approached the old classroom that held the entrance to the dungeons. "I definitely did. Nothing weird that happens in this place surprises me."

Amethyst sighed, wishing she could turn back time and not have been so stupid. The door to the room was still flung open from when she had run out of it in a panic, and Peppa led the way inside.

It was even colder inside now. Amethyst shivered and desperately wanted Aura back beside her. Without her protective nature she felt exposed and vulnerable, and she found herself cowering back as Peppa stepped into the storage closet with Jonbers tagging along behind her.

Amethyst wiped her eyes with the back of her sweater sleeve. She should've never gone down there and gotten involved with anything weird. She should've focused on her classes and stayed out of any sort of danger. And now because of her, Aura was probably in deep trouble.

She heard Peppa trying to open the door, knowing she would have no luck. But she didn't expect what would come next.

"Uh, Amethyst?" Jonbers called for her. "Can you come here?"

Amethyst was too scared to get any closer, but she sucked it up and forced her legs to move. With her arms wrapped tightly around herself, she joined them and found Peppa trying her best to pick the lock. "W-What?"

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