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Irene made her way out into the cold night, the moon just barely shining through the dark clouds that did their best to cover it. She gripped the straps of her bag tightly as she shivered in her sweater. She had a feeling it wasn't just the cold that was making her shiver so much.

She passed the graveyard and headed through the trees that lined the school grounds. Here she had to squint to see as the mist began to thicken around her, and soon she heard the sound of the running water from the creek. It seemed to call out for her. Like it was expecting her.

Irene felt a sense of relief when she finally saw the water. Even though most people felt uneasy around it, to her it was like greeting an old friend. Here she felt more connected to what she was. The energy gave her more confidence in the skills she had been practicing for years.

She kneeled down beside the water, not caring about the mud that seemed to want to grab her and pull her down. She opened up her bag and pulled out the items she needed. The napkin with Bosco's hair, a couple bones, some crystals, sage, and a candle.

Irene lit the candle, using the flame to burn the sage. As soon as it was lit she could feel the energy around her growing. She took a deep breath, grabbing the last thing she needed: the book that contained the spell that would lift the curse.

Irene closed her eyes, clutching the book tightly. She knew the spell by heart at this point, but was so terrified of something going wrong that she kept the book open. "To the moon I call out for assistance, to give back what I have taken..."

As soon as the words left her mouth, the water from the creek began to run quicker. The flame from the candle burned brighter, like it was listening.

"For I come to you to plea, to break the chains of the captive and set her free..." Irene continued, a tear escaping her closed eyes.

Memories played through her head as she spoke. Bosco had been physically hurt by what she had done, left with a scar in the shape of an x right over her heart. Irene had only been trying to help, but the outcome wasn't at all what she wanted.

The wind started to pick up, the mist darkening and beginning to swirl around her. "For what I've done cannot be forgiven, b-but..." She trailed off, her mind blanking on the words when images of Bosco falling limp to the ground flashed through her mind. "B-But I come...wait, those aren't the words..." She whispered, opening her eyes and looking down at the book for help.

The pages started to blow in the growing wind, making Irene lose her place. She began to grow nervous, her senses flooded by the sound of the creek and the wind rustling the leaves and branches of the trees around her. "T-To the moon I call out..." She tried to start again, but the fire from the candle went out and left her in complete darkness, not an ounce of moonlight shining down on her.

Irene whimpered, looking around with fear filled eyes at the dark mist that continued to swarm around her. "Oh no..." She began to shake.

In one of the trees, Kerri watched in horror. She spread her dark wings and struggled to fly in the harsh wind. She had seen many spells performed, but she had never seen anything like this.

Even the school wasn't reacting well. As Kerri dove into her secret entrance, the walls creaked and seemed as if they were shaking. She hurriedly flew down the corridor to the library, entering through the passageway built for her at the top of the door. Feathers fell from her wings as she flew up to where her mother's room was, and she let out an alarmed cry to wake her.

Sasha was immediately alarmed, opening her eyes just as Kerri turned into a girl again and looked up at her with wide eyes. "Irene's at the creek..." She said nervously, still shivering from the cold she had come in from. "I think something went wrong..."

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