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Amethyst shivered as her and Aura descended the stairs and were swallowed by darkness. The cold surrounding them was bone chilling and so different. She couldn't remember ever feeling anything like it before. The flashlight of her phone was only bright enough to illuminate a few stairs in front of them at a time.

Aura kept close to her side, her strong and confident facade dropping a bit the farther down they went. "Are you really sure about this? It isn't too late for us to-"

Suddenly the sound of a slamming door echoed around them, and the little bit of light left from the room was gone.

"...Turn back." Aura said in a whisper.

Amethyst went stiff, looking back behind them to find the door they had gone through really had closed. Glancing down at her phone, she found she had lost service. Running back up the stairs and shoving that door back open sounded like the best idea right now, and she was about to admit defeat until she heard the whispering of her name again.

She turned forward once more, taking a shaky breath. "We need to keep going..." She tried her best to sound confident. "There's something here."

Aura shifted uncomfortably beside her. "I'm not sure if whatever it is wants us here." She said quietly, but continued to follow Amethyst down the steps. Their footsteps started to echo the further down they went, and Aura reached her hand out to the side to feel for the stone wall. It had disappeared, leaving only cold air surrounding them.

"You know...If this was anyone else, I would never go with them." Aura said, holding onto Amethyst's arm protectively now that there was nothing keeping them from falling over the stairway. "So you're very special."

Amethyst was only thankful for the dark because it hid the heavy blush on her face. "Th-Thank you..." She squeaked out, trying not to focus so hard on the way Aura was holding onto her.

Aura took a deep breath. She figured that if she died down here, she might as well get all her feelings off of her chest. "I have been meaning to talk to you about some stuff..."

Amethyst felt her heart skip a beat. "What kind of stuff?"

Aura tried to shove her nerves away, but the current situation made that pretty difficult. "Well, I mean it when I say you're special. When I first saw you I thought you were one of the-"

She didn't get a chance to finish before Amethyst yelped, almost tripping and falling. Aura panicked and quickly caught her, and after the smaller girl regained herself and stopped shaking, she looked down to find a large metal chain sitting on the stairs.

Her and Aura shared a glance before she leaned down and picked it up. It was heavy in her hands, and seemed to stretch farther down the stairs. Amethyst tugged on it, finding it felt like something was attached to the end.

"Come on..." She said softly, holding onto the chain and starting to walk faster down the steps. Aura followed close behind her, a little disappointed by the chain ruining her moment, but her curiosity about it made up for it.

The further down they went, the colder it got, and a strange smell neither of them recognized started to become stronger. It almost had Aura gagging, but she bit her lip and kept moving.

Amethyst almost tripped again when they made it to solid ground. It was even colder now, and she huddled close to Aura's side for warmth. The other girl kept a protective arm around her as they continued forward, squinting against the dark as she shivered. "I feel weird about this..."

Amethyst didn't say it out loud, but she did too. She kept the light from her phone on the chain, only stopping when they approached a stone wall that the chain trailed up. She looked up, slowly raising her phone to continue to follow it with the light.

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