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I'm buzzing with excitement as I wait by the security exit point for Trevor. I was just gonna just wait in the car but I couldn't, I miss him too much.

If you told me at the beginning of this school year that I would be head over heels for a hockey player from my school's biggest rival I would of called you crazy because this is crazy.

But Trevor truly is the best thing to ever happen to me. He's changed my life in so many ways.

If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be working the best job I've ever worked. I would still be on track to be an English teacher, which I'm still gonna get my degree, but I can do what I really love for a while longer.

And I got a pretty cool opportunity offered to me yesterday, which is also why I can't wait to see Trevor.

My phone buzzes in my hand, I look at it to find a text from Trevor saying they just landed. I smile at the text quickly typing back, hurryyyyyy.

Yes I've become that annoying, needy girlfriend. Don't worry I hate myself for it too, but oh well.

About ten minutes later, a large group of people start to head towards me. I notice a few New York Jets and Giants t-shirts so I know it's Trevor's flight. And then there he is. And even though it's ninety degrees outside he's wearing a red USC hockey hoodie and black sweat-shorts.

He smiles when he sees me. I can't help myself as I rush towards him and throw myself into his arms. He picks me up with no effort, one hand wrapped around me while his other holds his bag. I wrap my legs around him.

Oh. My. Gosh. We are that couple right now. Gag.

I pull my head away from him and hold his face in my hands, "I missed you." I don't let him answer before I kiss him. He tastes like coffee and mint.

He smiles, "I missed you," he slowly sets me back down.

"Did you check a bag?" I ask, lacing our fingers together.

"Nope," he taps the strap of his duffle bag.

We make the long trek back to my car before driving to grab some food.

"Okay," Trevor picks up some of his french fries, taking a bite, "How's the team?"

"Really good," I start smiling.

"What's that smile about?" He points a fry at me.

"Uhm so Ash leaves for tour in a couple weeks and has been rehearsing non-stop the past few weeks. So I've been leading a lot of the rehearsals right? Well Alexa has been watching and she coaches the senior team. She uhm wants me to help her with the senior team too," I steal one of Trevor's fries still smiling, "So I talked to Ted and Courtney at the coffee shop and I'm gonna be working at the studio full time now."

"Holy shit!" Trevor's face lights up with excitement which makes me smile even bigger.

"And Alexa promised me a full time job if I want it after graduation!"

"Oh my god!" He takes my hand across the table, giving it an excited squeeze.

"I know!" I smile.

I'm doing it. I'm really doing it. I'm living out my dreams with the most loving and caring boyfriend by my side.

"Thank you," I look up at Trevor.

"I didn't do anything," he chuckles, picking up his burger.

"You did though," this wouldn't be my life without him, "You taught me to stand up for myself and what I want. You changed my life, I wouldn't of ever taken this coaching job if it wasn't for you. Thank you, Trev, thank you for being the best thing that's ever happened to me."

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