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"Shouldn't you boys be resting up for the season," Ellie smiles, her tone is light a flirty. I don't know how she does it. She just always has this effortless charm to her, its like she's flirting without even trying.

"Ellie!" The blonde one smiles giving her a side hug.

"Plus we've got three weeks," says one with dark chocolate brown hair with a playful smirk. He's cute but more like I want to pinch his cheeks cute.

I down the rest of my drink. Just based off one comment I know I'm going to need more alcohol to handle this situation. They're three college hockey players, basically a recipe for cockiness. Honestly any boy our age is pure ego no matter what.

Ellie leads the conversion on our behalf, bantering with all three boys with easy. This girl can't write an essay without my help but flirting? She's an expert.

"I'm gonna go grab another drink," I hold up my empty cup so Ellie can see.

"Want me to go with you?" she breaks away from the conversion to look at me.

"I'm good," I smile with a nod.

"I'll go with," a deep voice makes us both turn away from each other. It's one of the hockey players, damn it, I should have listened better when they introduced themselves.

Ellie and I look back at each other, and I know right away that her brain is liking where this is going. I glare at her.

Ellie gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze with big smile as I start to make my way away from her and the remaining two hockey players.

I flinch when two hands find my shoulders, I glance behind me, "Thats extremely unnecessary." I try to speak loud enough so he can hear me over the music.

"It felt more appropriate than putting them on your waist," there's a smirk on his face when he speaks.

I take the bait. Like Ellie said, I need to relax, "Who said I'd be against it?"

His hands slid from my shoulders to the top of my jeans, his fingers lacing in the loops of my jeans and I truly think I'm going to faint when his thumbs meet my skin.

When we get to the bar I twist around so I can face him.

Shit, were they all this tall?

I'm not short, at least I didn't think I was, but he's got at least five or six inches on me. I have to tilt my head to see his face, especially because the party is more crowded now, so we're standing maybe two inches apart. I analyze how broad his shoulders are, he's so...large. There's no better word.

"I didn't catch your name," it sounds like I'm flirting when I say it but I'm being serious.

"Trevor," he says it with a faint smile at the corners of his face.

"Summer," I give him mine without him asking.

"I know," he smirks. The bartender asks what we want from behind me.

I quickly turn around, Trevor's still got his hands on my hips, but now it feels more protective then flirty.

"Vodka cran and two tequila shots, please," I order, then glancing over my shoulder at Trevor who looks a bit shocked at my order, "What do you want?"

"I'm good," he nods. With that the bartender is gone.

"You sure? Its free alcohol," I look at him like he's crazy as I turn back around to face him.

"Can't, I've got practice in the morning," he shrugs, "But don't let me stop you."

"Too cool to drink?" I tease, leaning on the bar. The people beside us leave and Trevor slides in, mimicking my position so he can face me. We're still standing close together, but his hands finally leave my skin and I feel a little sad about it.

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