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"Competing next is the University of California, Los Angeles," the host speaks into the microphone, making both Alex and I turn our focus back to the center of the room.

There's a sea of white and blue making it's way onto the stage.

I find Summer immediately, she's the only red head in a sea brunettes and blondes. I watch her and Ellie share a high-five that turns into a hand shake, which ends with them linking pinkies and kissing their thumbs before they get into position.

"Did you see that?" Alex leans over and asks. Both of us are still staring at our girlfriends.

I nod, "Maybe we need a pregame handshake." I nudge him with my elbow.

"Not happening," Alex says right as the music starts, it's Queen's Don't Stop Me Now. It's a different routine from when we went to the USC vs UCLA football game and saw them perform at half time.

I watch Summer the whole time. She's smiling with every move, not missing a beat.

Near the end of the song her and three other girls are front and center turning. I try to count how many times they spin around but I loose count after six because I start thinking of how the hell she's doing that. Then she drops into the splits after and I make a mental note to bring that up later.

When the song ends the whole team hits the same pose, holding it for a second as the crowd cheers. Alex and I stand up clapping and screaming for them as they leave the floor all smiling.

The next team is already on the floor getting into place as soon as UCLA is off the floor.

And then two hours pass, the longest two hours ever, dance after dance and then awards, where Summer's team got third. I'm still not sure how this whole competition thing works for them so I don't know what that really means but I assume it's good.

Alex and I make our way outside to try to find the girls. The crowd of people leaving makes it almost impossible to find them. We're taller then most of the crowd which helps but there's still just a lot of fucking people.

Finally I spot Summer but Ellie isn't with her. I tap Alex on the shoulder, "Summer's over here."

"Text me, I'm gonna try to call Ellie," Alex says as we separate.

As I get closer I notice there's a older redheaded women and two guys talking with her. My best guess is that it's her mom, her mom's boyfriend and his son. But it's too late to turn around because Summer's eyes catch mine and she stares for a second too long. Her mom looks over at me when says something to Summer.

Next thing I know I'm standing right beside Summer saying, "You guys did amazing."

"Thank you," Summer smiles at me as I give her a side hug.

"Who is this?" Miss Grayson asks, she sounds a bit mad, it's kind of scary.

"This is Trevor, a friend from class," Summer nods, taking a step away from me.

Friend from class? What the hell?

"Oh, what class?" Miss Grayson asks.

"Gender studies, we were partners for a project," Summer replies so effortlessly it sounds rehearsed.

"Speaking of," she looks up at me, she looks sorry, "I'll send you the notes later," then she looks at her mom with a smile, "We have reservations to make, we should head out."

"Yes we should," her mother nods, "Meet us there?"

"Yeah, I have a change of clothes in my car," Summer nods. Her mother, her mother's boyfriend and his son turn and start away.

Summer also starts walking away but the other direction. I follow close behind her.

"What the hell was that? I'm a friend from class?" I ask. She speeds up, tightening the grip she has on her duffel bag.

"Sorry, I just couldn't tell her right then," Summer says pulling out her car keys from the side pocket on her bag.

"It was the perfect moment!"

She stops at the end of her silver Nissan, turning to look at me, "Trevor I can't do this right now, I have to go sit through this dinner. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just...it's bad timing."

Summer starts to turn away but I stop her, putting a hand on her shoulder before she gets too far. She looks over her shoulder at me.

"Why won't you tell me what's really going on?"

"Because it's not your problem!" She shrugs my hand off her her shoulder.

"Summer," I look her right in the eyes, "Talk to me. Please."

She's too young to carry all this worry, if I can do something to help her I want to. I just wish she'd talk to me and actually tell me what the hell going on in her life.

She looks like she's considering it for a second but then she lets out a breath, "I have to go." She turns and walks around the car, unlocking the door

"Summer," I sigh walking to the edge of the car.

"I have to go, Trevor," she repeats as she sinks into the car, pulling the door shut and turning it on.

I take a step back to avoid getting my toes run over and watch her back out and drive away.

I push my fingers through my hair. What the hell just happened?

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