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Fighting for my life
I couldn't breathe again

Fighting for my lifeI couldn't breathe again

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I think that everyone thinks about death at least once in their life, people always wonder how their going to die.

Where it will happen, and when. They wonder how much time they have left. I expected myself to have those same thoughts and questions running through my head but surprisingly not a single one.

The only thing, the only person that even crossed my mind was Charlie. I fell hard and I accepted it now even though I've been running from it every damn time.

Somehow, somewhere it caught up with me.

Sterling slammed my head against the wall knocking me unconscious and all I could see was everlasting darkness.

He placed me into a car laying me across the seat, I didn't have a clue where he was taking me.

After, a while of driving the car stopped on the bumpy road.

He opened the car door picking me back up, throwing me over his shoulder with my ass in the air. I could feel him walking, opening another door, then sitting me in a chair.

I could also hear screams yelling out my name but I couldn't respond my body wouldn't let me.

But suddenly, everything got louder and my senses became more aware. Sterling shakes me awake causing my eyes to open swiftly. I groan reaching to hold my pounding head but soon realize that my arms are tied behind a chair.

I become anxious looking around at everything surrounding me. Bethany and Regina both staring at me, eyes filled with surprise. Bethany cried as she stared back at me her eyes cried out for help but there was nothing that I could do. This sick son of bitch kidnapped his on wife and daughter-in-law.

Sterling grips my face turning my head towards him "Don't look at them, I have a surprise just for you someone wants to see you." I tried to move my head to the side but he just gripped it harder. I couldn't speak because he had my mouth taped shut, he had all of our mouths taped shut.

"Bring him in." Sterling releases my chin standing back.

All of a sudden Charlie walks in with bruises, blood, and blemishes covering his face. His left eye was closed shut and his lip had a huge cut on it, he looked to have been beaten up badly.

He wore a blue prison outfit with chains on his hands.

You don't know how hard it is not to just jump in his arms.

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